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Organizational Structure

iCAIR’s organizational structure is typical of a research center, including a governing structure, project managers, individual researchers, and advisors. External advisors have included an IBM General Manager, an Associate Director of Argonne National Laboratory, directors of university research centers, corporate research directors, research scientists, directors of standards organizations, and CEOs of national and regional research and education networks.

Projects at the Center are undertaken by Fellows, Research Associates, Visiting Scientists, Visiting Engineers, Visiting Scholars, graduate students, and undergraduate students, including researchers from Northwestern, other universities, research centers, national laboratories, and corporate research centers.

Corporate Research Associates have been residents at the Center, including a Director of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), a Program Manager for Internet Standards and Technology at IBM, and members of the Grid Forum Steering Group and the Open Grid Forum (OGF).

The Center works with faculty at Northwestern, is organized around professional schools, and has exceptionally skilled and knowledgeable faculty in many disciplines whose research and expertise influence advanced Internet development. These areas include network research in computer science, computer engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, photonics, business, biosciences, medical sciences, genomics, high energy physics, health care, physical sciences, educational technologies, telecommunication policy, journalism, and media.