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iCAIR Events Archive


iCAIR Event Archive for 2023-2021


November 30, 2023
MREN Executive Committee Meeting
University of Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen Participants, Presentations, Global Research Platform, SC23 Network Research Exhibitions, National Research Platform, Quantum Networking Testbeds, StarLight Software Defined Exchange Services, Architecture and Technologies, MREN Supported Testbeds

November 13-17, 2023
IEEE/ACM International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analytics (SC23)
Denver, Colorado
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Se-Young Yu, and David Martin, Participants

Network Research Exhibition Demonstrations

  • Orchestrators of Multiple Network Research Exhibitions
  • Global Research Platform: A Distributed Environment for Science Research and New Knowledge Discovery, IRNC Software Defined Exchange (SDX), Multi-Services for Petascale Science
  • 400 Gbps WAN Services: Architecture, Technology and Control Systems
  • Software Defined Exchange (SDX) International Testbed Integration
  • International P4 Experimental Networks for The Global Research Platform and Other Research Platforms
  • StarLight DTN-as-a-Service
  • Kubernetes Integration for High-Performance Data Movement Support with Research Platforms
  • High Performance Data Transfer Nodes for Petascale Science with NVMe-over-Fabrics with Microservice and Cloud

Joe Mambretti, Presentations, "The Global Research Platform (GRP) and SC23 NREs" and
"Regional Networks & Support For Data Intensive Science"

November 14, 2023
Joint Engineering Task Force
IEEE/ACM International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analytics (SC23)
Denver, Colorado
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, “StarLight, the GRP, and SC23”
November 13, 2023
IEEE/ACM International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analytics (SC23)
Denver, Colorado
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, “400 Gbps, 800 Gbps, and 1.2 Tbps Services For Data Intensive Sciences”
Oct 16-20, 2023
LHCOPN LHCONE Networking Meeting
Co-located with HEPIX Meeting University of Victoria
Victoria, Canada
Joe Mambretti, Participant
October 10-11, 2023
4th Global Research Platform Workshop
Co-Located with 19th IEEE International Conference on eScience
Limassol, Cyprus
Joe Mambretti, Presentations, “4th Global Research Platform Workshop: An Overview,” “StarLight Software Defined Exchange Testbeds for Data Intensive Science"

August 24, 2023
MREN Executive Committee Meeting
University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Joe Mambretti and Jim Chen Participants, Presentations, Global Research Platform, AutoGOLE/SENSE, National Research Platform, Plans for Network Research Demonstrations at IEEE/ACM International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analytics (SC23), Quantum Networking Testbeds
August 23, 2023
MCNC, University of North Carolina
Durham, North Carolina
Joe Mambretti, Invitational Lecture "Exploring The Challenges and Opportunities Of Quantum Communications And Networking"
August 9, 2023
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Joe Mambretti, Invitational Lecture "Exploring The Challenges and Opportunities Of Quantum Communications And Networking"
July 5, 2023
WLCG DOMA General Meeting
Zurich, Switzerland
Joe Mambretti, Participant, Data Challenge 24 Planning and Near Term Activities
June 14, 2023
BRIDGES Workshop,
George Mason University,
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, “Global Research Platform and BRIDGES”

June 7-8, 2023
Pre-GDB Workshop: Data-Centre Network Architectures
Geneva, Switzerland
Joe Mambretti Participation


May 22-24, 2023
NSF Midscale Experimental Research Infrastructure Forum (MERIF)
Boston University Center for Computing & Data Sciences
Boston, MA
Joe Mambretti, Participant


May 8, 2023
26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
Norfolk, Virginia
Joe Mambretti, Participant


May 2-3, 2023
Chameleon Users Meeting
University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Participants


April 24-26, 2023
6th Keeping Networks Integrated Together (KNIT) (FABRIC) Workshop
Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
University of Texas, Austin, Texas
Joe Mambretti, Participant


April 20, 2023
11th Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Next Generation Networks, FZU (Physics Institute),
Prague, Czech Republic
Joe Mambretti Participant


April 18-19, 2023
LHCOPN LHCONE Networking Workshop, FZU (Physics Institute)
Prague, Czech Republic
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, SC22 Demonstrations Report And Plans For SC23 Network Exhibition Demonstrations


April 18, 2023
11th CEF Networks Workshop 2023
Prague, Czech Republic
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, “Exploring The Challenges and Opportunities Of Quantum Communications And Networking”


March 5-9, 2023
OFCnet, OFC Conference
San Diego, California
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fe Yeh,
400 Gbps WAN and Quantum Networking Demonstrations,
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, “iCAIR/Northwestern/StarLight OFCnet 400 Gbps WAN Demonstrations”


March 2, 2023
Global Research Platform Workshop, Co-Located With Supercomputing Asia Conference
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, Global Research Platform Workshop: An Overview


February 27- March 2, 2023
Supercomputing Asia Conference
Joe Mambretti, Participant


February 8-10, 2023
Fourth National Research Platform (4NRP) Workshop, University of California,
San Diego, California
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, Global Research Platform: An Overview, Jim Chen, Participant


November 13-17, 2022
IEEE/ACM International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analytics (SC22)
Dallas, Texas
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Se-Young Yu, David Martin, Participants
Orchestrators of Multiple Network Research Exhibitions, Global Research Platform: A Distributed Environment for Science Research and New Knowledge Discovery, IRNC Software Defined Exchange (SDX), Multi-Services for Petascale Science, 400 Gbps WAN Services: Architecture, Technology and Control Systems, Software Defined Exchange (SDX) International Testbed Integration, International P4 Experimental Networks for The Global Research Platform and Other Research Platforms, StarLight DTN-as-a-Service, Kubernetes Integration for High-Performance Data Movement Support with Research Platforms, High Performance Data Transfer Nodes for Petascale Science with NVMe-over-Fabrics with Microservice and Cloud, Joe Mambretti, Presentations, Global Research Platform and SC22


November 13, 2022
Innovative Networking for Data intensive Science (INDIS) Workshop
IEEE/ACM International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analytics (SC22)
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, “Global Research Platform & SC20 NRE Demonstrations & Experiments,” XNET Forum Panel “Network Research Exhibition: The Future of Networking and Computing with Big Data Streams"


October 24-25, 2022
LHCOPN LHCONE Networking Workshop
Geneva, Switzerland
Joe Mambretti, Participant


October 11, 2022
Americas Research Platform Workshop, Co-Located With 18th IEEE International Conference on eScience
Salt Lake City, Utah
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, “StarLight International/National Communications Exchange Facility And ESnet6”


October 10-11, 2022
3rd Global Research Platform Workshop, Co-Located With 18th IEEE International Conference on eScience
Salt Lake City, Utah
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, “3rd Global Research Platform Workshop: An Overview,” Jim Chen, Presentation, “WAN DTN as a Service and P4 Prototypes”


Oct 5-7, 2022
60th KREONET Workshop 2022
Jeju City, South Korea
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, “The Global Research Platform: An Environment For Data Intensive Science and Prototypes Including Quantum Testbeds”


September 20-22, 2022
FABRIC Community Workshop
hosted by iCAIR at Northwestern University, Chicago
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Se-Young Yu, Participants


August 18, 2022
MREN Executive Committee Meeting
Presentations: Global Research Platform, AutoGOLE/SENSE, National Research Platform, Plans for Network Research Demonstrations at IEEE/ACM International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analytics (SC22), Quantum Networking Testbeds, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen Participants


June 12-16, 2022
TNC 2022 Conference
Trieste, Italy
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, "Exploring The Challenges and Opportunities of Quantum Communications and Networking"


June 1-3, 2022
NSF Midscale Experimental Infrastructure Forum, University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, “New Research Testbed Ideas”

May 22-25, 2022
Internet2 Community Meeting
Denver Colorado
Joe Mambretti, Participant

March 31, 2022
NA-EU GNA-G Community Meeting
Joe Mambretti, Tom DeFanti, Jim Chen, John Graham, Participants


March 29-30, 2022
LHCOPN-LHCONE Networking Workshop, CERN
Geneva, Switzerland
Joe Mambretti, Participant


March 17, 2022
MREN Executive Committee Meeting, Hosted By National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Ill. Urbana Champaign
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, “Planning For SC22 Advanced Networking For Data Intensive Science Experiments and Demonstrations”
Jim Chen, Presentations, “MREN Research Platform,” “P4 International Testbed”


March 8-10, 2022
Annual Meeting Advanced Regional Networks (Quilt)
Joe Mambretti, Participant


March 3, 2022
Mini-Global Research Platform Workshop, Co-Located With Supercomputing Asia
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, “Global Research Platform”
Jim Chen “GRP Prototype Services: P4 Testbed and DTNaaS for Data Intensive Science at StarLight”
John Graham, “PRP/NRP/Nautilus Update -- ARNO and the UCSD Campus Digital Twin”


March 2, 2022
Mini-APAN Workshop Co-located With Supercomputing Asia (SCA22).
With its research partners, iCAIR was presented awards in the Supercomputing Asia Data Mover Challenge Competition: Best Long-Distance Performance and Overall Winner
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, “Overview of SC21 Experiments and Demonstrations, Including NREs”


February 15, 2022
Joint Engineer Taskforce Meeting
Joe Mambretti Participant


January 18, 2022
Joint Engineer Taskforce Meeting
Joe Mambretti, Participant


December 15, 2021
NA-EU GNA-G Community Meeting
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, John Graham, Participants


December 15, 2021
Network Packet Marking Meeting for LHC Networking
Joe Mambretti, Participant


December 8-9, 2021
KNIT Winter ‘21: A FABRIC Community Workshop
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, John Graham, Participants


December 2, 2021
MREN Executive Committee Meeting
Hosted By UIC
Chicago, IL
Joe Mambretti, Presentation “SC21 Advanced Networking For Data Intensive Science Experiments and Demonstrations”
Jim Chen, Presentations, “MREN Research Platform,” “P4 International Testbed,”


November 14-19, 2021
ACM/IEEE International Conference On High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analytics
St. Louis, MO
Global Research Platform: A Distributed Environment for Science Research and New Knowledge Discovery
IRNC Software Defined Exchange (SDX)
Multi-Services for Petascale Science
400 Gbps WAN Services: Architecture, Technology and Control Systems
IRNC Software Defined Exchange (SDX) International Testbed Integration
Kubernetes with International P4 Experimental Networks for The Global Research Platform and Other Research Platforms
StarLight DTN-as-a-Service and Kubernetes Integration for High-Performance Data Movement Support with Research Platforms
High Performance Data Transfer Nodes for Petascale Science with NVMe-over-Fabrics with Microservice and Cloud
Kubernetes Inter-Cluster Federation for Research Platforms
Web based Orchestration and Traffic Steering Platform for Real-time Adaptive Networking using DTNs
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Se-Young Yu, Participants


November 16. 2021
Joint Engineer Taskforce Meeting
Joe Mambretti, Presentation “SC21 Advanced Networking For Data Intensive Science Experiments and Demonstrations”


October 21, 2021
CI Engineering Workshop
Joe Mambretti, Participant


October 20-21, 2021
AI For Networking Workshop
Joe Mambretti, Participant


October 11-12, 2021
LHCOPN-LHCONE Networking Workshop
Geneva, Switzerland
Joe Mambretti, Participant


September 29-30, 2021
National Association of Advanced Regional Networks (Quilt) Fall Membership Meeting
Joe Mambretti, Participant


September 24, 2021
Americas Research Platform Workshop
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, StarLight International/National Communications Exchange Facility
Joe Mambretti, Maxine Brown, Jim Chen, Participants


September 23, 2021
StarLight SDX Quarterly Report July 1, 2021 – September 30, 2021
Joe Mambretti


September 20-23, 2021
North and South America and Europe Global Research Platform Workshop
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, Global Research Platform (GRP): A Software Defined, Globally Distributed, Multi-Domain Computational Science Environment - Architectural Framework, Innovations, Future Directions
Jim Chen, Presentation, StarLight and International P4 Experimental Networks Testbed
John Graham, Presentation, Admiralty Federation and Netbox Infrastructure Resource Modeling (IRM) on the Nautilus Distributed Hypercluster
Se-Young Yu, Presentation, DTN as a Service
Dima Mishin, Presentation, PRP/NRP Software Defined Infrastructure
Wenji Wu, Presentation, Rucio/BigData Express/SENSE (ROBIN): A Next-Generation High-Performance Data Service Platform
Joe Mambretti, Tom Defanti, Maxine Brown, Jim Chen, John Graham, Participants


September 15, 2021
NA-Asia Pacific GNA-G Community Meeting
Joe Mambretti, Participant


September 14, 2021
NA-EU GNA-G Community Meeting
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, John Graham, Participants


August 23, 2021
StarLight-GEANT RARE/P4 International Testbed Planning Meeting
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Participants


July 6, 2021
SupercomputingAsia Data Mover Challenge Testbed -- Global Testbed Planning Meeting
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Participants


June 21-25, 2021
GEANT TNC Conference
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Participants


June 22, 2021
PRP Capstone Symposium
Tom Defanti, Presentation, “What Is On the Horizon?’ John Graham, Presentation, “Architectural Overview”
Joe Mambretti, Tom Defanti, Maxine Brown, John Graham, Jim Chen, Participants


June 14, 2021
GNA-G Community Meeting
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, John Graham, Participants


June 7-8, 2021
LHC Workshop On Datacenter Network Architecture
Joe Mambretti, Participant


May 21, 2021
StarLight-GEANT RARE/P4 International Testbed Planning Meeting
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Participants


May 12, 2021
Supercomputing Asia Data Mover Challenge Planning Meeting
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Participants


April 8-9, 2021
FABRIC Experimenters Workshop
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Lance Long, John Graham, Participants


March 25, 2021
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, "Global Research Platform: A Distributed EcoSystem for Data intensive Science," Metropolitan Research and Education Network (MREN) Executive Committee Meeting, Hosted By Northwestern University


March 23-24, 2021
Joe Mambretti, Participant, Wenji Wu and BDE Research Team, Presentation, Rucio/BigDataExpress/SENSE (ROBIN): Benchmarks on StarLight and CERN Testbed, LHCOPN/LHCONE Networking Workshop


March 15, 2021
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, John Graham, Participants, GNA Community Meeting


March 3, 2021
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, SC20 Experiments and Demonstrations Showcasing Innovations In Large Scale Data Intensive Science Transport and Contributions To the Global Research Platform, Asia Pacific Research Platform Workshop, Co-Located with Supercomputing Asia, Singapore


March 2-4, 2021
Joe Mambretti, Participant, Supercomputing Asia, Singapore


February 10-11, 2021
Joe Mambretti, Participant, National Association of Advanced Regional Networks (Quilt) Winter Meeting


February 3, 2021
Joe Mambretti, Participant, Asia Pacific Research Platform Working Group Workshop, Co-located with APAN51, Islamabad, Pakistan





April 15-16, 2020
FABRIC Community Meeting
iCAIR Participation


April 13-14, 2020
NSF Large Scale Networking (LSN) Workshop on Huge Data: A Computing, Networking and Distributed Systems Perspective
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Presentation: “Next Generation Infrastructure For High Performance Global Data Intensive Science”


March 19, 2020
MREN Executive Committee Meeting
Hosted by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, iCAIR Participation


March 19, 2020
MREN Executive Committee Meeting
Hosted by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, iCAIR Participation


February 24-27, 2020
Supercomputing Asia Data Mover Challenge
StarLight Consortium/iCAIR, Participation, in Design, Implementation, and Operation of Global Data Mover Challenge 100 Gbps Testbed, Participation in DMC Competition, Winner “Best Speed and Science Integration” Award


February 05-06, 2020
DOE Office of Science, Quantum Internet Blueprint Workshop
SUNY Global Center
York City, New York
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


January 30, 2020
SAB Meeting, NSF JetStream
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


January 13-14, 2020
Geneva Switzerland
Joe Mambretti, StarLight/MREN Participation


January 7-8, 2020
NSF Future Experimental Research Infrastructures Workshop (MERIF)
Florida International University
Miami, Florida
Presentation, “Designing And Implementing Quantum Communications and Quantum Networking Research Testbeds,” Position Paper on Network Testbeds, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR/StarLight/MREN


December 5, 2019
Metropolitan Research and Education Network Executive Committee Meeting
University of Illinois Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Presentations, “Advanced Networking For Data Intensive Science Experiments and Demonstrations,” “Quantum Communications and Networking,” Joe Mambretti, MREN/StarLight/iCAIR, Presentation, “SAGE2”, Maxine Brown, UIC/StarLight


December 4, 2019
Chameleon Cloud Science Advisory Board Meeting
University of Chicago
Chicago Illinois
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


November 20, 2019
AutoGOLE Update, AutoGOLE Meeting SC19
Denver Colorado
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, StarLight/iCAIR Participation


November 19, 2019
Joint Engineering Task Force Meeting
Denver, Colorado
Presentation, SC19 “Advanced Networking For Data Intensive Science Experiments and Demonstrations,”.Joe Mambretti, StarLight/MREN


November 17-22, 2019
IEEE ACM International Conference On High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analytics (SC19)
Denver, Colorado
Multiple Demonstrations Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Se-Young Yu, Fei Yeh, StarLight/MREN/iCAIR Maxine Brown, UIC/EVL/StarLight Participation, (Selected Demonstrations a) capabilities for supporting Petascale science with the StarLight NSF International Software-Defined Exchange (SDX), b) programmable WAN networking with StarLight SDX, c) Global Research Platform, d) advanced services for High Energy Physics, with a focus on the Large Hadron Collider Open Network Experiments, e) Astrophysics, f) Geophysics, and g) Dynamic systems provisioning h)fusion energy i)  Advanced Photon Source (participation in ANL collaboration that won the Inaugural SCinet Technology Challenge at the Supercomputing 19 conference by demonstrating real-time analysis of light source data at 100 Gbps


November 17 2019
Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science Workshop, SC19
Denver Colorado
Paper Presentation, “SCinet DTN-as-a-Service Framework” Se Young Yu, iCAIR, Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, StarLight/iCAIR Participation


November 11-12, 2019
NSF Workshop On Next Generation Cloud Research Infrastructure, Co-Located With Hot Topics in Networking (HotNets)
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
Presentation “Capabilities For Next Generation Shared Experimental Cloud Computing Research Infrastructures,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


November 7-8, 2019
Global Experimentation for Future Internet (GEFI) 2019 Workshop, In Conjunction with IEEE CloudNet 2019
Coimbra, Portugal
Presentation, “Federated International Network Research Testbeds”, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


November 4, 2019
NSF CISE Division of Computer and Network Systems (CNS) 2019 Joint CSR and NeTS PI Meeting
Arlington, Virginia
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


October 15, 2019
Joint Engineering Task Force
Washington DC
Jim Mambretti, StarLight/MREN Participation


October 14-17, 2019
McCormick Place
Chicago, Illinois
Design and Implementation of Optical Fiber Network for With I2 and CenturyLink to McCormick Place from StarLight. Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Linda Winkler, StarLight/MREN


October 7, 2019
NSF Midscale Education and Research Infrastructure and Tools (MERIT)
Community Event
University of Illinois Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, StarLight/iCAIR Participation


September 27, 2019
State of Illinois Broadband Advisory Council Meeting
Springfield and Chicago, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR/MREN, Participant


September 26-27, 2019
Open Compute Project
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jim Chen, iCAIR, Participation


September 23, 2019
2nd P4 Workshop in Europe EUROP4
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
Jim Chen, Participation, Posters


September 19, 2019
Global Network Advancement Group Meeting
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, California
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Linda Winkler, StarLight/MREN, John Graham, UCSD/StarLight Participation


September 19, 2019
Global LambdaGrid Workshop
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, California
Presentation “GLIF Retrospective,” Joe Mambretti, StarLight/iCAIR
Jim Chen, Linda Winkler, StarLight/MREN, John Graham, UCSD/StarLight Participation


September 17-18, 2019
Global Research Platform Workshop
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, California
Joe Mambretti, Tom Defanti, Maxine Brown, Larry Smarr, StarLight, Workshop Organizers, John Graham, Tomas Hutton, Jim Chen, Linda Winkler, StarLight, Participants, Presentations: “Research Platforms: Past, Present, Future,” Larry Smarr, “Science DMZ Global Consideration,” Tom DeFanti, “Federated International Network Research Testbeds,” Joe Mambretti, “DTN as a Service,”  Jim Chen “Next-Generation DTN Architecture/Kubernetes,” John Graham. Demonstrations: SDX Interoperability, DTN-as-a-Service, Jim Chen, Se Young Yu, Fei Yeh, Joe Mambretti, John Hess, StarLight/Pacific Wave


September 17, 2019
Americas’ Research Platform
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, California
Joe Mambretti, Maxine Brown, StarLight, Workshop Co-Chairs, Jim Chen, StarLight Linda Winkler, StarLight, Tom Hutton, John Graham, UCSD/StarLight, Participation


September 16, 2019
IRNC SDX Open Science Grid Meeting
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, California
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Linda Winkler, StarLight/MREN, John Graham, Tom Hutton UCSD/StarLight Participation


September 13, 2019
State of Illinois Broadband Advisory Council Meeting
Springfield and Chicago, Illinois.
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR/MREN, Participant


September 11, 2019
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, California
Maxine Brown, UIC/StarLight, Jim Chen, iCAIR/StarLight Participation


August 29, 2019
Metropolitan Research and Education Network Executive Committee Meeting
University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Presentations, "R&D 100 Gbps Services Experiments and Trials Based On Advanced DTNs,” “Next Generation Software Defined Services and the Global Research Platform: A Software Defined Distributed Environment For High Performance Large Scale Data Intensive Science,” Joe Mambretti, MREN/StarLight, Presentation “DTN-as-a-Service,” Jim Chen, iCAIR/StarLight


August 20, 2019
Joint Engineering Taskforce Meeting
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti, StarLight/MREN, Participation


July 16, 2019
Joint Engineering Taskforce Meeting
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti, StarLight/MREN Participation


June 16-20, 2019
TNC19 Conference
Tallin, Estonia
Participation In/Support For NII Led Demonstration of MMCFTP’s (Massively Multi-Connection File Transfer Protocol) Data Transfer Experiment Over 4 x 100 Gbps Lines Between Japan and Europe, Including a 100 Gbps Path Through StarLight
Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Se-Young Yu, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR/StarLight


June 20, 2019
Global Network Advancement Group Meeting
Tallin, Estonia
Next Generation Software Defined Services and the Global Research Platform: A Software Defined Distributed Environment For High Performance Large Scale Data Intensive Science, 
Joe Mambretti, Presentation


June 4-5, 2019
LHCOPN/LHCONE Networking Workshop
Umea University, Umea, Sweden
Presentation, "R&D 100 Gbps Services Experiments and Trials Based On Advanced DTNs”
Joe Mambretti, StarLight/MREN


May 30, 2019
Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes Workshop
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


May 29-30, 2019
NSF Midscale Experimental Research Infrastructure Forum
George Washington University
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


May 21, 2019
Joint Engineering Taskforce Meeting
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti, StarLight/MREN Participation


April 16, 2019
Joint Engineering Taskforce Meeting
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti, StarLight/MREN Participation


April 29-May 2, 2019
IEEE INFOCOM19, IEEE Conference On Computer Communications
CNERT: Computer and Networking Experimental Research using Testbeds
Paris, France
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


March 19, 2020
MREN Executive Committee Meeting, Hosted By National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
“Status of Open Software Defined Exchanges (SDXs), Joe Mambretti, Presentation


March 13-15 2019
Open Compute Project (OCP) Global Summit
San Jose Convention Center
San Jose, California
Presentation/Poster, "Clonezilla for ONIE(Open Network Install Environment): A Network Switch Storage Operations Enabler"1st Future Technologies Symposium
OCP, Jim Chen, iCAIR


March 11-14, 2019
Supercomputing Asia
StarLight SDX/iCAIR Support for Data Mover Challenge Global Testbed, Demonstration Showcase Entry To Data Mover Challenge Competition, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Se-Young Yu, Xaio Wang, Winner Innovation Award, StarLight SDX/iCAIR Support for Big Data Express Demonstration Data Mover Challenge Entry, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, StarLight SDX/iCAIR Support for SEAIP Consortium Data Mover Challenge Competition Entry, Presentation, “DTN-as-a-Service For Data Intensive Science” Joe Mambretti, StarLight/iCAIR.


March 5-8, 2019
Internet2 Global Summit
Washington DC
Presentation, “Next Generation Software Defined Services and the Global Research Platform: A Software Defined Distributed Environment For High Performance Large Scale Data Intensive Science,  Panel on Intelligent Networking for Science, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, StarLight SDX Support for Big Data Express Demonstrations, Wenji Wu, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory


March 4, 2019
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti, StarLight/iCAIR, Participation


February 6-7, 2019
NSFCloud Chameleon Testbed User Meeting
Texas Advanced Computing Center, University of Texas
Austin, Texas
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR


January 25, 2019
NSF JetStream Advisory Board Meeting
Tucson, Arizona
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Participation


January 16-17, 2019
Internet2 Next Generation Infrastructure Planning Meeting
Tempe, Arizona
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


December 6, 2018
MREN Executive Committee Meeting
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois
Presentation, "StarLight/MREN Supported Demonstrations at SC18", Joe Mambretti MREN/StarLight


November 30, 2018
ENGAGE Workshop:  Enabling Innovation via Distributed Collaborative Environments for the Discovery Partners Institute/Illinois Innovation Network,
Springfield, Illinois
Presentation, "Networking Implications Of Distributed Collaboration and Instruction Via ENGAGE, iCAIR/StarLight, Presentation, “SAGE2” Maxine Brown, UIC


November 29, 2018
SEAIP2018 Workshop
Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center
Tamkang University
New Taipei, Taiwan
Presentation, "Starlight Connectivity Opportunity for SEAIP", Jim Chen, iCAIR


November 26-30 2018
South-East Asia International Join-Research and Training Program
AI Innovation in Cloud Computing and IoT
Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center
Tamkang University
New Taipei, Taiwan
Presentation, ―Scalable Research Platform for Global Research Collaboration‖SEAIP2018, Jim Chen, iCAIR


November 13, 2018
JET Co-Located With SC18
Dallas, Texas
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, "Next Generation Networking For Global Science: Architecture, Technology, Enabling Capabilities Showcased Through Demonstrations at SC18"


November 11-16, 2018
Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, (SC18)
Dallas, Texas
Demonstrations, Joe Mambretti, Presentation, "Global Research Platform", Joe Mambretti, Jim, Chen, Fei Yeh, Maxine Brown, Participation,


November 11, 2018
Innovate the Network for Data Intensive Science Workshop
Co-Located With SC18.Dallas, Texas
Presentation, "Analysis of CPU Pinning and Storage Configuration in 100 Gbps Network Data Transfer", Se Young Yu, iCAIR
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR/StarLight Participation,


October 30-31, 2018
LHC Optical Private Network/LHC Open Network Environment Workshop
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Batavia, Illinois
Presentation, "Next Generation Data Transfer Nodes (DTNs) For Global Science: Architecture, Technology, Enabling Capabilities," Joe Mambretti, iCAIR/StarLight


October 25-26, 2018
Third Global Experimentation for Future Internet 2018 (GEFI 2018) Workshop
University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
Presentations “Global Federated Network Research Testbeds, Trends and Opportunities for Collaboration,” “Federated Elastic Optical Network Research Testbeds,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


October 22-24, 2018
IEEE CloudsNet 2018
University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR/StarLight Participation


October 16-24, 2018
24th Taiwan Academic Network Conference TANET 2018
National Central University
Taoyuan, Taiwan
Presentation, “Open Innovation Environment: Network Testbeds, Cloud Testbeds and Software Defined Network Exchange (SDX)”
SEAIP Consortium Meeting on Plans for Data Mover Challenge Competition in Partnership With StarLight for Supercomputing Asia, Singapore, Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center, Tamkang University, New Taipei, Taiwan
Jim Chen, iCAIR, Organizer


October 16, 2018
Joint Engineering Task Force Meeting
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR/StarLight Participation


October 10, 2018
Juniper Research and Education Network Symposium (J-RENS) 2018
DePaul University
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation, "Open Storage Network," Joe Mambretti, iCAIR/StarLight


October 3, 2019
Washington DC
Presentation, "DevOps and Software Defined Networking (SDNs) and Software Defined Exchanges (SDXs)” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR/StarLight


September 19, 2018
GLIF Americas Workshop
Elsinor, Denmark
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Maxine Brown, UIC, Organizers, Participants


September 16-19, 2018
NORDUnet Conference
Elsinor, Denmark
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Participation


August 30, 2018
Metropolitan Research and Education Network Executive Committee Meeting
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Batavia, Illinois
Presentations, "Distributed Environments For High Performance Large Scale Data Intensive Science," Presentation, "Open Storage Network," "StarLight International/National Communications Exchange Facility," "Preparations for ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC18)" Joe Mambretti, iCAIR/MREN


August 20-24, 2018
Budapest, Hungary
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


August 8-9, 2018
National Advanced Regional Networks CEO Meeting
Bozeman, Montana
Joe Mambretti, Participation


August 6-7, 2018
National Research Platform Workshop
Bozeman, Montana
Presentations, "National Research Platform And Computer Science Testbeds," Presentation, "Networking the Open Storage Network," Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


July 17, 2018
Joint Engineering Taskforce Meeting
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti iCAIR Participation


July 6, 2018
Advanced Computing Innovation Partners Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Maxine Brown, UIC Participation


June 12, 2018
AutoGOLE Meeting
Trondheim, Norway
Joe Mambretti Participation


June 11, 2018
GLIF@TNC18 Meeting
Trondheim, Norway
Presentation, "AutoGOLE (LHCONE) R&D Activities” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


June 10-14, 2018
TNC18 Conference
Trondheim, Norway
Presentation, "Next Generation Data Transfer Nodes (DTNs) For Global Science: Architecture, Technology, Enabling Capabilities, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR
Presentation and Demonstration: IRNC Advanced Instrumentation Measurement Service – Programmable Privacy Preserving Network Measurement For Network Usage, Analysis, and Troubleshooting, Yan Luo et al, Supported By StarLight SDX/iCAIR


June 5, 2018
5th P4 Language Consortium Workshop
Stanford University
Stanford, California
Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, iCAIR Participation


June 4-6, 2018
Ciena Research Lab
Ottawa, Canada
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Linda Winkler, ANL/StarLight/MREN Participation


June 1, 2018
Advanced Computing Innovation Partners Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Maxine Brown, UIC Participation


May 9, 2018
Joint Engineering Taskforce Meeting
San Diego, California
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Participation


May 6-10, 2018
I2 Global Summit
San Diego, California
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Participation


May 6, 2018
IRNC PI Meeting
San Diego, California
Presentation, “RNC: RXP: StarLight SDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange, for Global Science Research and Education, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


April 7, 2018
Joint Engineering Taskforce Meeting
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


April 5, 2018
Metropolitan Research and Education Network (MREN) Executive Committee Meeting
National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, Illinois
Presentations, “RNC: RXP: StarLight SDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange," “Distributed Environments For High Performance Large Scale Data Intensive Science” Joe Mambretti, MREN/iCAIR


March 26-29, 2018
Supercomputing Asia 2018 Conference
Co-Located With Asia-Pacific Advanced Networking Meeting (APAN45), Conference on Next Generation Arithmetic (CoNGA), Singapore Japan Joint Session, Supercomputing Frontiers Asia (SCF Asia), Towards an Asia Pacific Research Platform (APRP)
Presentation, "Next Generation Software Defined Services and the Global Research Platform: A Software Defined Distributed Environment For High Performance Large Scale Data Intensive Science," Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


March 25-29, 2018
Asia-Pacific Advanced Networking Meeting (APAN45)
Co-Located With Supercomputing Asia 2018 Conference
Presentation, "Next Generation Distributed Environments for Global Science Research Services, Architecture, and Technologies,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


March 12-15, 2018
Supercomputing Frontiers Conference
Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences (IBBE)
Warsaw, Poland
Presentation, "Next Generation Software Defined Services and the Global Research Platform: A Software Defined Distributed Environment For High Performance Large Scale Data Intensive Science," Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


March 6-7, 2018
Large Hadron Collider Optical Private Network/Large Hadron Collier Open Network Environment Meeting
(Oxford University) Cosener's House
Abingdon, England
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, "An E2E Multidomain L2 WAN Service for The LHC Research Community: Initial Testing and Measurements"


February 20, 2018
Joint Engineering Task Force
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


January 30, 2018
iCAIR-Ciena International 100 Gbps Testbed Planning Meeting
Northwestern University
Chicago, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, iCAIR, Linda Winkler, ANL, MREN, StarLight


January 24-25, 2018
Internet2 Network Planning Meeting
Tempe Arizona
Joe Mambretti, Participation


January 22-23, 2018
Chameleon Phase 2 Planning Meeting
Texas Advanced Computing Center
University of Texas, Austin
Austin, Texas
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR, Participation


January 16, 2018
Joint Engineering Task Force
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


December 4-8, 2017
Southeast Asia International Join-Research and Training Program (SEAIP)
National Center for High Performance Computing
Taichung City, Taiwan
Presentations, "Global Research Platform," " Future Network: Open Innovation Environments," Jim Chen, iCAIR


December 3-6, 2017
World Internet Conference
Wuzhen, China
Presentation, "Next Generation Networks” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


November 28-December 2, 2017
KREONET Workshop
Jeju Island, South Korea
Presentations: “Next Generation Software Defined Services and the Global Research Platform: A Software Defined Distributed Environment For High Performance Data Intensive Science,” “Next Generation Distributed Environments for Global Science Research." Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


November 14, 2017
Joint Engineering Task Force
Co-located With SC17
Denver Colorado
Presentation: "StarLight Supported Sc17 Demonstrations/Next Generation Software Defined Services and the Global Research Platform: A Software Defined Distributed Environment For High Performance Data Intensive Science” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


November 12-17, 2017
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC17)
Denver, Colorado
iCAIR and Multiple National International Partners, Presentations and Demonstrations of Software Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs) For Data Intensive Science, iCAIR Supported and/or Staged Network Research Exhibitions: Applied NSI in an SDX Topology Exchange, Dynamic Remote I/O, 100 Gbps Disk-to-Disk WAN File Transfer Performance via SDX and 100 Gbps, Petatrans 100 Gbps Data Transfer Nodes, Data Commons and Data Peering at 100 Gbps, International Multidomain Open Architecture E2E 200 Gbps Services, High Performance Science Networking at 100 Gbps, BioInformatics SDX for Precision Medicine, SDN Optimized High Performance Data Transfer Systems for Exescale, 100 Gbps Over Ip With Aspera, PetaTransfer Experiment Using the Pacific Research Platform, Network Security at 100 Gbps, Automated GOLE, LHCONE Point2Point Service with Data Transfer Nodes, Virtualized DMZ as a Service


November 12, 2017
Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science (INDIS), Workshop
Denver, Colorado
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR, Participants


October 23-26, 2017
Chinese American Networking Symposium (CANS)
Duke University Kunshan
Kunshan, China
Presentation, “Creating 21st Century Communications Services and Technology: Applications, Technology, and Global Facilities,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


October 18, 2017
International Computational Science Infrastructure Meetings
National Institute for Informatics
Tokyo Japan
Presentations, "Next Generation Software Defined Services and the Global Research Platform: A Software Defined Distributed Environment For High Performance Large Scale Data Intensive Science,” “Next Generation Clouds, The Chameleon Cloud Testbed," and "Software Defined Networking (SDN): Futures", Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


October 11-19, 2017
Large Hadron Collider Optical Private Network/Large Hadron Collider Open Network Environment Workshop
Co-located With the High Energy Physics Information Exchange Workshop (HEPiX)
KEK Campus (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Tsukuba, Japan
Presentations, "Next Generation Software Defined Services and the Global Research Platform: A Software Defined Distributed Environment For High Performance Large Scale Data Intensive Science," "AutoGOLE Update," Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


October 10-11, 2017
GENI Network Innovators Community Event
co-located with the IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols
Toronto, Canada
Jim Chen, iCAIR, Participation


September 26-28, 2017
Global LambdaGrid Workshop
University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Presentations: "StarLight GOLE Update: Transitioning To Software Defined Services (SDS)/Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI),"" International Multi-Domain SD-WAN Services," Joe Mambretti, iCAIR
Presentation: 2017 Edition of the GLIF Maps, Maxine Brown, UIC

  • International Multi-Domain Provisioning Using AutoGOLE Based Network Service Interface (NSI 2.0)
  • Using RNP MEICAN Tools for NSI Provisioning
  • Large Scale Airline Data Transport Over SD-WANs Using NSI and DTNs
  • Large Scale Science Data Transport Over SD-WANs Using NSI and DTNs
  • SDX Interdomain Interoperability At L3
  • Transferring Large Files E2E Across WANs Enabled By SD-WANs and SDXs

by Will Black, Pieter de Boer, Jim Chen, Wei-Yu Chen, Buseung Cho, Leon Gommans, John Hess, Joseph Hill, Marc Lyonnais, Gerben van Malenstein, John Macauley, Joe Mambretti, Warrick Mitchell, Chris Myers, Dave Reese, Thomas Tam, J.P.Velders, Migiel de Vos, Kevin Wang, David Whittaker, David Wilde, Rod Wilson, Fei Yeh, Se-Young Yu
Joe Mambretti, Marc Lyonnais, Demonstration - SDN and NFV In Action, A Showcase
Joe Mambretti, Presentation, "The Global Research Platform (GRP): A Software Defined Distributed Environment For High Performance Large Scale Data Intensive Science"


September 25, 2017
GLIF Americas (GLIF-Am) Community Meeting
Co-Located With the 16th Annual Global LambdaGrid Workshop
University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Joe Mambretti, Maxine Brown, Co-Organizers


September 18-20, 2017
Large Scale Networking (LSN) Workshop On Operationalizing SDN
George Washington University
Washington DC
Presentation, "Operational SDN and Software Defined Services (SDS): Challenges and Opportunities" Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


September 13-14, 2017
Chameleon User Meeting
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, iCAIR, Participation


September 11, 2017
International Meetings on Science Cloud Architecture and Technology
National Institute for Informatics
Tokyo, Japan
Presentations, "Creating the Global Research Platform (GRP): Software Defined Services (SDS) For High Performance 100 Gbps Large Scale Science Data Streams Enabled By SDNs/SDXs ,―IRNC: RXP: StarLight SDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange for Global Science Research and Education," Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


September 6, 2017
Network Research Meetings, Meetings With WIDE
University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
Presentations, "Creating the Global Research Platform (GRP): Software Defined Services (SDS) For High Performance 100 Gbps Large Scale Science Data Streams Enabled By SDNs/SDXs” “IRNC: RXP: StarLight SDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange for Global Science Research and Education," Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


August 21-24, 2017
University of California
Los Angeles, California
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Co-Organizer, 1st Workshop on Mobile Edge Communications
Presentation: "Software Defined Services (SDS) For High Performance Large Scale Science Data Streams Across 100 Gbps WANs Enabled By SDNs/SDXs." Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


August 15, 2017
Joint Engineering Taskforce Meeting
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participated


August 7-8, 2017
National Research Platform Workshop
University of Montana
Bozeman, Montana
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


June 21, 2017
Joint Engineering Taskforce Meeting
NSF Arlington, Virginia
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participated


May 31, 2017
AutoGOLE Workshop
Linz, Austria
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


May 28-June 1, 2017
TNC17 Conference
Linz Austria
Presentation, Paper Proceedings: "Research and Education SDN Tenant Networks On
SD-WANs For Wide Area Cloud Access,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR
Demonstration - "SDN and NFV In Action, A Showcase Of The Transformation of Networks With SDN-Enabled Software," Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Marc Lyonnais, Ciena


May 16, 2017
Joint Engineering Taskforce Meeting
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti Participated


April 23-27, 2017
I2 Global Summit
Washington DC
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participated


April 23, 2017
IRNC Project Workshop
Washington DC
Presentation: “IRNC: RXP: StarLight SDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange for Global Science Research and Education,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


April 20-21, 2017
AIMS Project Workshop
University of Kentucky
Louisville, Kentucky
Presentation: “Software Defined Services (SDS) For High Performance Large Scale Science Data Streams Across 100 Gbps WANs Enabled By SDNs/SDXs” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation, Jim Chen, iCAIR


April 4-5, 2017
Brookhaven New York
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Participated


April 3-6, 2017
Open Network Summit
Santa Clara, California
Jim Chen, iCAIR, Participation


March 27 - 29, 2017
31st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2017)
Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan
Presentation, “Heterogeneous Interconnection between SDN and Layer2 Networks based on NSI,” Ta-Yuan Chou, Wun-Yuan Huang, Hui-Lan Lee, Te-Lung Liu, Joe Mambretti; Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, iCAIR


March 13-14, 2017
GENI Engineering Conference 25 (GEC 25)
Florida International University, Miami, Florida
Demonstration and Presentation, “SDX Interoperability, SDX Dynamic L2 provisioning, and SDX Based Large Scale File Transfer Services,” Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR


March 7-9, 2017
OCP (Open Compute Project) U.S. Summit and Workshop 2017
Santa Clara California
Jim Chen, Participation


March 7-9, 2017
20th IEEE Communications Society IFIP TC6 Conference On Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks
Paris, France
Presentation, Designing and Deploying A Bioinformatics Software-Defined Network Exchange (SDX): Architecture, Services, Capabilities, and Foundation Technologies, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


February 22-23, 2017
18th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop (ON*VECTOR - Optical Networked Virtual Environments for Collaborative Trans-Oceanic Research)
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California
Joe Mambretti, Tom DeFanti, Maxine Brown, participation


February 21, 2017
Pacific Research Platform Workshop
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California
Presentation, “International SDX Services For 100 Gbps Data Intensive Science,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Tom DeFanti (UCSD) Panel Chair, “Fast and Secure Data Transfer,” Presentation, Data Placement with HTCondor, Phil Papadopoulos (UCSD), Presentation, “SDN in PRPv2 for Secure Flows” John Hess, (CENIC) Presentation, “IPv6 and CENIC” Tom Hutton (UCSD), Presentation, “TPMs,” John Graham, (UCSD), Maxine Brown (UIC), Participation


February 13, 2017
Meeting To Recognize The 25th Anniversary of the Czech Republic’s Connection to the Internet
Prague, Czech Republic
Presentation, “Software Defined Services (SDS) For High Performance Large Scale Science Data Streams Across 100 Gbps WANs,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


February 7, 2017
JetStream Computational Science Cloud Advisory Board Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, Participation


February 1, 2017
Middleware And Grid Interagency Coordination (MAGIC) – NITRD
Washington DC
Presentation, “Software Defined Services (SDS) For High Performance Large Scale Science Data Streams Across 100 Gbps WANs,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


January 10, 2017
Pre-GDB Meeting (LHC Current and Future Networking)
CERN, Switzerland
Presentation, "LHCONE & DTNs", Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Gerben van Malenstein, SURFnet


January 6-7, 2017
R&E Community Investment In National Footprint Network Services Workshop
Tempe, Arizona
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Participation


January 4-5, 2017
I2 Principal's Meeting
Tempe, Arizona
Presentation: “Emerging Future Network Services, Architecture, and Technologies,” Panel On Internet2 Network Plans for 2018 and Beyond, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


December 12, 2016
GENI Network Innovators Community Event
Beckman Center of the National Academies of Science and Engineering
Irvine, California
Presentation: “SDX Supported Software Defined Services (SDS) For High Performance Large Scale Science Data Streams Across Multi-100 Gbps WANs,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


December 5, 2016
Federation of International Computer Science Testbeds Meetings
University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
Presentation: “Creating the Future Distributed Environments for Data Intensive Science Based On Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI), StarLight SDX, University of Ghent SDX,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


December 1, 2016
Metropolitan Research and Education Network (MREN), Executive Committee Meeting
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois
Presentations: “SC16 Demonstrations: International/National High Performance Multidomain E2E 100 Gbps Services, Enabled By SDN and SDXs”; “GENI Future Planning Key Issues”; “: RXP: StarLight SDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange for Global Science Research and Education”; “Virtual Network Architecture For Multi-Tenant Distributed Clouds And The Chameleon Cloud,” “Emerging Concepts of SDN Exchanges (SDXs),” “Status of Current GENI SDX Prototype at StarLight,” “Plans for Future Production Services Definition and Evolution, Interconnections Among Ampath/AmLight SDX, SOX SDX, MAX SDX, Sunnyvale SDX, LA SDX, Seattle SDX, International SDXs,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


November 16, 2016
SC BOF on Experimental Infrastructure and Methodology for HPC Cloud Research
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC16)
Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
Presentation: “NSF Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI)” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


November 16, 2016
Joint Engineering Task Force Meeting
Salt Palace Convention Center Salt Lake City, Utah
Presentation: “Software Defined Services (SDS) For High Performance Large Scale Science Data Streams Across 100 Gbps WANs,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


November 16, 2016
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC16)
Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
Presentations: Software Defined Services (SDS) For High Performance Large Scale Science Data Streams Across 100 Gbps WANs, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


November 15, 2016
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC16)
Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


November 14, 2016
IRNC NOC Advisory Council Meeting
Salt Lake City, Utah
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


November 14, 2016
AutoGOLE BOF Meeting
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC16)
Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR Participation


November 13, 2016
Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science" (INDIS) Workshop
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC16)
Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
SCinet Innovation Panel, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Participation


November 13-18, 2016
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC16)
Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
Joe Mambretti, with multiple partners, many large scale 100 Gbps demonstrations, described elsewhere in this document

October 24-25, 2016
NSF Large-scale Networking Platforms "Communities of Practice" Workshop
Arlington, Virginia D.C.
Presentation: “Distributed Environments for Large Scale Networking Platforms,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR
October 17-19, 2016
Chinese American Networking Symposium
Rice University, Houston, Texas
Presentation, “IRNC: RXP: StarLight SDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange for Global Science Research and Education,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR
October 6-7, 2016
NSF Future Cyberinfrastructure Consortium Workshop
Washington, DC
Presentation, “Future Cyberinfrastructure Planning,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR
September 30, 2016
AutoGOLE Meeting
Miami, Florida
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR, Participation
September 29-30, 2016
Global LambdaGrid Workshop
Miami, Florida
Presentation, “IRNC: RXP: StarLightSDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange for Global Science Research and Education,” Joe Mambretti, (iCAIR), Tom DeFanti (UCSD), Maxine Brown (UIC), Jim Chen (iCAIR), Linda Winkler (ANL), Presentation and Demonstration: “Blue Planet Framework In The Context Of Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI),” Joe Mambretti (iCAIR), Jim Chen (iCAIR), Rod Wilson (Ciena), Marc Lyonnais (Ciena), Gauravdeep Shami (Ciena), Maxine Brown (UIC), Lance Long (UIC), Luc Renambot (UIC), Linda Winkler (ANL), Presentation and Demonstration, “AutoGOLE and MEICAN” Gerben von Malenstein (SURFnet), John MacAuley (ESnet), Joe Mambretti (iCAIR), Jim Chen (iCAIR), John Hess (CENIC), Marcos Felipe Schwarz (RNP), Hans Trompert (SURFnet)
September 28, 2016
GLIF Americas Workshop
Miami, Florida
Presentation, “IRNC: RXP: StarLightSDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange for Global Science Research and Education,” Joe Mambretti, (iCAIR), Tom DeFanti (UCSD), Maxine Brown (UIC), Jim Chen (iCAIR), Linda Winkler (ANL)
September 27, 2016
Miami, Florida
Presentation, “Overview of StarLight Preparations for AIMs/SC16,” Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR
September 20-22, 2016
NORDUnet Conference
Helsinki, Finland
Presentation, “StarLight Software Defined Network Exchange (SDX),” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR
September 19-20, 2016
Helsinki, Finland
Presentation, “LHC Networking And SDN/SDX Services,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR. Presentation, “LHCONE P2P Session: NSI and Automated GOLE update,” John MacAuley, ESnet, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR
September 16, 2016
International Networking Research Symposium
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering Kaiserslautern, Germany
Presentation, “Creating the Future of Communications Through International Collaboration: Opportunities for the Fraunhofer IESE and the International Center for Advanced Internet Research (iCAIR) at Northwestern University,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR

September 15, 2016
Linking Together Two Worlds: MAKI (Multi-Mechanisms Adaptation for the Future Internet)– GENI, Symposium
Darmstadt University, Darmstadt Germany
Presentation, “Creating the Future Distributed Environments for Data Intensive Science Based On Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI),” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


September 13, 2016
StarLight SDX, Symposium
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/Karlsruher InstitutfürTechnologie, Karlsruhe, Germany
Presentation, “Creating the Future Distributed Environments for Data Intensive Science Based On Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI),” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


August 25, 2016
Metropolitan Research and Education Network (MREN), Executive Committee Meeting
University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois
Presentations, “SC16 Demonstrations: International/National High Performance Multidomain E2E 100 Gbps Services, Enabled By SDN and SDXs”; “GENI Future Planning Key Issues”; “IRNC: RXP: StarLight SDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange for Global Science Research and Education”; “Virtual Network Architecture For Multi-Tenant Distributed Clouds And The Chameleon Cloud,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


August 16, 2016
Joint Engineering Task Force Meeting
Arlington, Virginia
Presentation, “StarLight Update,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


August 9, 2016
LSN Committee Meeting
Washington D.C.
Presentation, “LSN Big Data Demonstrations for SC16: International/National High Performance Multidomain E2E 100 Gbps Services, Enabled By SDN and SDXs,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


July 26-28, 2016
KISTI/ KREONET/International Center for Advanced Internet Research (iCAIR) Workshop
Chicago, Illinois
Presentations, “IRNC: RXP: StarLight SDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange for Global Science Research and Education; Next Generation Clouds, The Chameleon Cloud Testbed, and Software Defined Networking (SDN),” “Advanced Emerging Architecture and Design Concepts for Large Scale International Networks,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Jim Chen Fei Yeh, Participation


July 19, 2016
Open Commons Consortium Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


July 11, 2016
Cloud Testbed Federation Workshop
University of Rennes, Rennes, France
Presentations, “Chameleon: Building An Experimental Instrument For Computer Science As An Application of Cloud Computing,” “Next Generation Clouds, The Chameleon Cloud Testbed, and Software Defined Networking (SDN),” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


June 21, 2016
Joint Engineering Taskforce Meeting
Arlington, Virginia
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Participation


June 12-16, 2016
TNC 2016
Prague, Czech Republic
Presentation, “International Multidomain Open Architecture E2E 100 Gbps Services: High Performance, High Capacity Streaming Over Global WANs, Including For Individual Streams,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


May 26-27, 2016
Ciena Vectors R&E Conference
Ottawa, Canada
Demonstration: Dynamic Provisioning Over 100 Gbps Paths: StarLight-Ottawa


May 25, 2016
CANARIE-iCAIR Planning Meeting
Ottawa Canada
Presentation, “Software Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs): Services, Architecture, Technology, and Future Directions,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


May 1-31, 2016
Ciena Vectors
Ottawa, Canada
Demonstrations: Chicago and Ottawa Trial/Demonstrations of World’s First 300 Gbps WAN Transport Using Two 150 Gbps per Wavelengths Over a Superchannel Enabled By 8QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) -- Trial Conducted on Live Research Network Connecting Ciena Research Labs in Ottawa - More Than 1,440 km, Ciena, CANARIE, StarLight, iCAIR, Ciena


May 18, 2016
Joint Engineering Taskforce Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


May 17, 2016
Workshop On 100 Gbps Services for Data Intensive Science and Planning for SC16
Chicago Illinois
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR, Participation


May 16, 2016
AutoGOLE Workshop
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation, “AutoGOLE Status,” Gerben van Malenstein, SURFnet


May 15-19, 2016
I2 Global Summit
Chicago Illinois
Presentation, “StarLight SDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange for Global Science Research and Education,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern, Demonstration: “Two 100 Gbps Channels Provisioned Over Dedicated Private Optical Fiber Between StarLight and Marriott Hotel on Michigan Avenue,” MREN, StarLight, iCAIR, AT&T, I2


May 15, 2016
National Science Foundation International Research Network Connections Workshop
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation, “IRNC: RXP: StarLight SDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange for Global Science Research and Education,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


April 21, 2016
Open Data Commons Planning Workshop
Chicago, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


April 19, 2016
Joint Engineering Taskforce Meeting
NSF Arlington, Virginia
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Participation


March 8-9, 2016
GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 24)
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Presentations: “Software Defined Exchanges: Architecture, Services, Future Development Directions,” “GENI: Future Planning: Key Issues,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


February 26 - March 1, 2016
15th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California
Presentation: “Software Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs): Services, Architecture, Technology, and Future Directions,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


February 18-19, 2016
NTT R&D Forum 2016: Open the Way - Toward 2020 and Beyond
NTT Musashino Research and Development Center
Tokyo, Japan
Joe Mambretti, Participant, iCAIR, Northwestern University


February 16, 2016
Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Technical
Committee on Network Virtualization (NV) Seminar
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Presentation: “Software Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs): Services, Architecture, Technology, and Future Directions,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


February 15-18, 2016
Advanced Networking Research Meetings and Workshops
University of Tokyo, SINET, NICT, NTT, KDDI, AIST, NII, et al.
Tokyo, Japan
Presentations: “Software Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs): Services, Architecture, Technology, and Future Directions,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


February 4-5, 2016
Software Defined Infrastructure / Software Defined Exchange Workshop
NSF “Looking Beyond the Internet” Planning Group Meeting
Washington D.C
Joe Mambretti, Participant, iCAIR, Northwestern University


January 30, 2016
Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI)
Manila, Philippines
Jim Chen, Participant, iCAIR, Northwestern University


January 25 -29, 2016
APAN44 Asia Pacific Advanced Networking  Conference
Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI)
Manila, Philippines
Presentation:  "StarLight SDX A Software Defined Network Exchange for Global Science Research and Education," Jim Chen, iCAIR, Northwestern University


January 27-28, 2016
NSF Workshop on Services and Applications for the Year 2021
Washington D.C
Joe Mambretti, Participant, iCAIR, Northwestern University


January 26-27, 2016
I2 Future Network Planning Meeting
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona
Joe Mambretti, Participant, iCAIR, Northwestern University


January 20-22, 2016
Science Infrastructure Planning Meetings
National Center for High Performance Computing
Hsinchu Science Park
Hsinchu City, Taiwan
Presentation:  “StarLight SDX,” Jim Chen, iCAIR, Northwestern University



iCAIR Event Archive for 2015-2011
Event Year

December 10-11, 2015
GENI Future Planning Workshop
Washington DC
Presentation:  “GENI: Future Planning: Key Issues,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


November 15-20, 2015
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC15)
Austin, Texas
Presentation: “Software Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs) For Data Intensive Science,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University
iCAIR Supported and/or Staged Network Research Exhibitions: Applied NSI in an SDX Topology Exchange, Dynamic Remote I/O, 100 Gbps Disk-to-Disk WAN File Transfer Performance via SDX and 100 Gbps, Petatrans 100 Gbps Data Transfer Nodes, Data Commons and Data Peering at 100 Gbps, International Multidomain Open Architecture E2E 100 Gbps Services, High Performance Science Networking at 100 Gbps, BioInformatics SDX for Precision Medicine, SDN Optimized High Performance Data Transfer Systems for Exescale, 100 Gbps Over IP With Aspera, PetaTransfer Experiment Using the Pacific Research Platform, Network Security at 100 Gbps, Automated GOLE, LHCONE Point2Point Service with Data Transfer Nodes, Virtualized DMZ as a Service


November 10, 2015
GENI Network Innovators Community Event, co-located with the IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols
San Francisco, California
Presentation: “Next Generation Clouds, the Chameleon Cloud Testbed, and Software Defined Networking (SDX), Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


October 31, 2015
International Computational Science Meetings
A*STAR, Singapore
Presentations: “Open Cloud Consortium and The Open Science Data Cloud: Data Commons for Discovery,” “Creating 21st Century Communications Services and Technology: Applications, Technology, and Global Facilities,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


October 28-29, 2015
International Conference on Cloud Computing Research and Innovation, (ICCCRI)
Presentations: “Next Generation Clouds, The Chameleon Cloud Testbed, and Software Defined Networking (SDN),” “Next Generation Clouds, The Chameleon Cloud Testbed, and Software Defined Networking (SDN): Futures” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


October 16, 2015
Pacific Research Platform: Technical Approach, Security and Project Plan Meeting
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, California
Participation,  Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR, Northwestern University, Tom DeFanti, UCSD, Maxine Brown, UIC


October 15-16, 2015
Pacific Research Platform Workshop
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California
Presentation: “StarLight SDX: A Software Defined Network Exchange for Global Science Research and Education,” Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR, Northwestern University, Tom DeFanti, UCSD, Maxine Brown, UIC


September 29-30, 2015
Global LambdaGrid Workshop
Prague, Czech Republic
Presentation: "StarLight SDX A Software Defined Network Exchange for Global Science Research and Education," Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR, Northwestern University, Tom DeFanti, UCSD, Maxine Brown, UIC. "Subsea Spectrum and NSI, SDN, and Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs)," Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


September 28, 2015
GLIF Americas Workshop Co-Located with Global LambdaGrid Workshop
Prague, Czech Republic
Presentation: "StarLight SDX A Software Defined Network Exchange for Global Science Research and Education," Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR, Northwestern University, Tom DeFanti, UCSD, Maxine Brown, UIC


September 28, 2015
GLORIAD Workshop, Co-Located with Global LambdaGrid Workshop
Prague, Czech Republic
Presentation: "StarLight SDX A Software Defined Network Exchange for Global Science Research and Education," Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR, Northwestern University, Tom DeFanti, UCSD, Maxine Brown, UIC


September 17-18, 2015
GENI FIRE Workshop
Washington DC
Presentation, “Federating the Chameleon Cloud Testbed with Multiple Other Research Cloud Testbeds Around the World,” “Federation and Software Defined Exchanges (SDXs): Applications, Services, Architecture, Technologies, and Implementations,”


August 26-29, 2015
Meetings on Infrastructure for Science, Supercomputing Center
University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
Presentations “Creating 21st Century Communications Services and Technology: Applications, Technology, and Global Facilities,” "StarLight SDX A Software Defined Network Exchange for Global Science Research and Education," Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


June 15-18, 2015
GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 23)
UIUC, Champaign, Illinois
Presentation: “StarLight SDXs: Services for Domain Science and GENI,” Jim Chen, iCAIR Northwestern University


June 15-18, 2015
TNC15 Networking Conference
Porto, Portugal
Demonstration and Presentation: “An International Inter-Domain High Resolution, High Performance Digital Media Application Exchange Based on SDX Architecture,” Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh iCAIR, Northwestern University, Ronald van der Pol, SURFnet
Paper and Presentation: “International Interdomain Software Defined Networking Exchanges (SDXs): Architecture, Services, Technologies” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Northwestern University


June 2, 2015
NOAA Data Alliance Planning Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: “Next Generation Networks for Science, Open Cloud Consortium,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


May 18-20, 2015
Ciena Vectors Summit
Ottawa, Canada
Linda Winkler, ANL/MREN, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR/MREN Participation


May 18-19, 2015
SDN For Optical Networks Meetings
University of Bristol Bristol, UK
Presentations: “Creating 21st Century Communications Services and Technology: Applications, Technology, and Global Facilities,” “Network Research Testbeds,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


April 27-29, 2015
I2 Global Summit
Washington DC
Participation, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Northwestern University


April 26, 2015
National Science Foundation International Research Network Connections Program Workshop
Washington DC
Presentation: “IRNC: RXP: StarLight SDX A Software Defined Networking Exchange for Global Science Research and Education,” Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR Northwestern University, Tom DeFanti, UCSD, Maxine Brown, UIC


March 24-26, 2015
GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 22)
Washington DC
Presentation/Poster/Demonstrations “Software-De­fined Network Exchanges: Emerging Innovations In SDN Interdomain Services and Capabilities Featuring a Bioinformatics SDX,” (Optimal Data Matching To Enable Personalized Precision Medicine - Developing Innovative Techniques for Extremely Close Integration of BioInformatics Research WorkFlows and Dynamic Programmable Network Resources Based on SDX Technologies - Network Foundation Architecture: GENI + Customized Software Defined Network Exchange (SDX) - A Key Step Toward Algorithm-Assisted Personalized Medicine: Data Commons/Cloud Analytics and Programmable   Networks and Exchanges For High Performance Real Time Data Transport and Analytics), Robert Grossman, University of Chicago, Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR, Northwestern University


February 25-26, 2015
14th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop
University of Califonia San Diego
La Jolla, California
Presentation: “The StarLight International Software-Defined Network Exchange (SDX): Emerging Innovations In Global InterdomainSDN Services, Architecture, Capabilities and Technologies,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


February 17-18, 2015
IETF ABNO PACE Workshop On Next Steps For the Path Computation Element (PCE): From Advanced Internet Technology To Future Systems and Applications Including SDN and IoT
Edifico Telefonica
Madrid Spain
White Paper: “Path Computation Element Based Architecture,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


February 11, 2015
Global Computational Genomic/Bioinformatics/Genomics-Phenomics Archive/Global Alliance GA4GH European Meeting
European Bioinformatics Institute/European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Hinxton, United Kingdom
Presentation: “Computational Genomics at 100 Gbps Speeds,” Robert Grossman, University of Chicago, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University, Don Preuss, NCBI/NIH
Presentation: “Software Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs) and WAN 100 Gbps Capabilities Supported By The StarLight International/National Communications Exchange Facility,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR


February 9-10, 2015
Homerton College, University of Cambridge
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Presentation: “Software Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs) and WAN 100 Gbps Capabilities Supported By The StarLight International/National Communications Exchange Facility,” Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


December 10-12, 2014
NSFCloud Workshop
Le Meridien
Arlington, Virginia
iCAIR participation, including development of report


December 2-4, 2014
University of Rennes
Rennes, France
Presentation: The StarLight International/National Communications Exchange Facility, Including SDN and Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs), Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


November 16-21, 2014
ACM/IEEE SC14 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
New Orleans, Louisiana
Demonstrations: International Software Defined Networking Exchanges (SDXs) for Data Intensive Science With International Federation, supported by the Global Lambda Integrated Facility (GLIF), HPDMnet, StarLight, MREN, iCAIR, Northwestern University, CANARIE, Cybera,, TWAREN, NCHC, KISTI/KORNET2, NetherLight/SURFnet, , JGN-X, the University of Tokyo, the PNWGP, and other regional, national, and international networks.
Demonstrations: Software Defined Networking Exchanges (SDXs) for 100 Gbps Services, iCAIR and multiple national and international research partners, including the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center High End Computing Network initiative, the StarLight consortium, the StarWave consortium, MREN, MAX, OCC, OSDC, ESnet, and SCinet.
Demonstrations: Remote I/O and Controlled Pipelining Over 100 Gbps WANs, Naval Research Lab, Linden Mercer, Basil Decina and colleagues
Demonstrations: A Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) Multi-Service Multi-Layer Exchange via a Software Defined Networking Exchange (SDX), RENCI), LBL, ESnet, the ESnet 100 Gbps Testbed, iCAIR, Duke University, StarLight, MREN, the GENI Program Office, NetherLight, SURFnet, University of Amsterdam, the Global Lambda Integrated Facility, AARNet (Australia), NICTA (Australia), and the iGENI consortium.
Demonstrations: Software Defined Networking Exchange (SDX) Services for Data Intensive Computational BioInformatics, Open Science Data Cloud (OSDC), iCAIR, StarLight, StarWave, the National Institutes of Health, the Laboratory for Advanced Computing at the University of Chicago, MREN, and the Open Commons Consortium (OCC).
Demonstrations: Research on Demand OP(n) 100G International Tested: Led by Ciena Research Labs
Demonstrations: Application Driven Intelligent Data Movement for the LHC, including over a Tbps 10*100 ring, Harvey Newman, Azher Mughal
Demonstrations: Real-time data transfer over 100 Gbps WAN networks using UDT based application suite?" by Renuka Arya, Robert Grossman, Allison Heath, and Joshua Miller


November 16, 2014
Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science" Workshop
ACM/IEEE SC14 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
New Orleans, Louisiana
iCAIR participation


November 19, 2014
Joint Engineering Task Force (JET) Meeting
New Orleans, Louisiana
Presentation: Overview Of WAN 100 Gbps Demonstrations Supported By The StarLight International/National Communications Exchange Facility, Including SDN and Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs)Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University.


October 30, 2014
The Next Generation of Computational Infrastructure Workshop
University of Information Technologies Mechanics and Optics (ITMO).
St Petersburg, Russian Federation
Presentation: International Advanced Networking for Large Scale R&D Projects, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


October, 27 - 29, 2014
The International Science and Technology Conference: Modern Networking Technologies: SDN & NFV The Next Generation of Computational Infrastructure
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russian Federation
Presentation: Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs) and Infrastructure (SDI): Emerging Innovations In SDN and SDI Interdomain Multi-Layer Services and Capabilities, Joe Mambretti. iCAIR, Northwestern University


October 21-23, 2014
21st GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 21)
Cyberinfrastructure Building
Indiana University
Demonstration: Science DMZ-as-a-Service, Science DMZ, designed by DOE and widely deployed, support fast data transfers for scientists between data repositories and processing facilities. This demonstration showed how customized high-performance Science DMZs on 100 Gbps networks can be created in GENI racks to support a variety of science applications , using virtualized or bare-metal nodes and support a variety of sizes of sliverable storage. participants: DoE LBL (Lead), Inder Monga, Chin Guok (DOE), Marc Lyonnais (Ciena), Joe Mambretti (StarLight), Ilya Baldin (RENCI), Claris Castillo (RENCI).
GENI Engineering Conference 21, 2014Indiana University - Indianapolis
Demonstration: The International Global Environment for Network Innovations (iGENI), The International OpenFlow Testbed, the GENI SDX and Related Experimental Research Facilities, Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh and Multiple Research Partners


September 30-October 1, 2014
14th Annual Global LambdaGrid Workshop 2014
Annual meeting of the Global Lambda Integrated Facility (GLIF) community
Queenstown, New Zealand
Demonstration and Presentation: "International Software-Defined Network Exchanges (iSDXs): A Demonstration of Global Capabilities and Dynamic Provisioning for iGENI Network". Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen Fei Yeh, iCAIR, Northwestern University, Grace Lee, NCHC, with Multiple International Organizational Participants
Demonstration and Presentation: High Performance Digital Media Network (HPDMnet): Dynamically Provisioned Inter-Domain International Service for High Performance Digital Media and Other Data Intensive Applications, iCAIR, NCHC, the HPDMnet Consortium and Multiple International Organizational Participants
Presentation: StarLight International/National Communications Exchange Facility GOLE Update, Joe Mambretti, Linda Winkler, Alan Verlo


September 29, 2014
GLIF Americas Workshop
Multiple International Organizational Participants: Maxine Brown EVL at UIC, and Joe Mambretti (iCAIR) organized the 7th annual meeting of the North and South American participants in the GLIF


September 26, 2014
Advanced Communications Seminar
University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
Presentation: Ultra Capacity and Deep Programmability in 21st Century Networks and Distributed Environments: Multi-100 Gbps Paths, Software Defined Networking (SDN), SDN Exchanges (SDXs) and Programmable Cloud - Services, Architecture, and Foundation Technologies, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


September 15-16, 2014
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Presentation: StarLight LHC P2P Status, NSI, SDN/OpenFlow and Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs) Joe Mambretti, .iCAIR, Northwestern University


September 12, 2014
Future Internet and Distributed Clouds Workshop
Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH),
Karlskrona, Sweden
Presentation: Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs): Architecture, Services, Capabilities, and Foundation Technologies, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


September 8-9, 2014
Software Defined Networking Exchange (SDX)/Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI) Workshop
Posnan Supercomputing and Networking Center
Posnan, Poland
Presentation, Chameleon: A Large-Scale, Reconfigurable Experimental Environment for Cloud Research, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Northwestern University
Presentation: Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI), Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Northwestern University
Presentation: Integrating NSI and SDN/OpenFlow For Implementation At Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs), Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Northwestern University


August 16-17, 2014
US/Korea Workshop on SDN/NFV for Smart Cities
Chicago, Illinois
Joe Mambretti, Northwestern University: International Software Defined Networking Exchanges (SDXs) for Smart City Services and Applications


June 24-27, 2014
US Ignite Conference
Juniper Aspiration Dome
1081 Innovation Way Sunnyvale, California
iCAIR participation, support for demonstrations application contest, presented introduction to several collaboration demonstrations


June 21-4, 2014
20th GENI Engineer Conference 20
Presentation: Software-Defined Network Exchanges, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University Emerging Innovations In SDN Interdomain Services and Capabilities
Demonstration: GENI Experiment Engine (GEE) Andy Bavier, Andi Bergen, Jim Chen, Joe Mambretti, Rick McGeer, Sean McGeer, Jude Nelson, Pat O'Connell, Glenn, Ricart, Stephen Tredger, Yvonne Coady
Demonstration: InstaGENI Nick Bastin, Andy Bavier, Jack Brassil, Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Rick McGeer, Rob Ricci, Leigh Stoller


June 22, 2014
Software Defined Optical Networking Workshop
GENI Engineering Conference
UC Davis Alumni Center, AGR Hall
Presentation: International Optical SDN Across the Globe And Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs), Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


June 16-20, 2013
Invitational Workshops and Meeting On SDN and SDX Architecture and Technology
University of Tokyo, NICT, ASIT, KDDI, NTT
Multiple Presentations: Integrating NSI and SDN For Implementation At Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs), SDX Architecture, Services, and Technologies, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


June 11, 2014
GRCC Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs) and Software-Defined Infrastructure (SDI), Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR, Northwestern University


June 2-4, 2014
Ciena Vectors Summit (CVS)
Ottawa, Canada
StarLight, MREN, CANARIE, Ciena, and iCAIR supported demonstrations of a 100 Gbps testbed from StarLight to the Ciena Research Labs in Ottawa, for a showcase of 100 Gbps applications and demonstrations.


May 19-22, 2014
TERENA Networking Conference
University College, Dublin
O'Brien Centre for Science
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Presentation: Overview of SURFnet OpenFlow Activities, Ronald van der Pol, SURFnet, NL
Demonstration: SURFnet OpenFlow testbed and OpenDaylight, Ronald van der Pol, SURFnet, NL
Presentation and Demonstration: CANARIE SDN testbed, John Shillington, Cybera, Canada
Presentation and Demonstration: Integrating NSI and SDN/OpenFlow For Implementation At Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs), Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


April 28-29, 2014
Rome, Italy
Presentation: Integrating NSI and SDN/OpenFlow For Implementation At Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs), Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Northwestern University


April 23-24 2014
GENI Experiment Engine Planning/Development Workshop
Chicago, Illinois
Hosted by iCAIR, Northwestern University


April 9-10, 2014
Workshop On GENI/SDN and Large Scale Experimental Research Environments for Network Science
Tainan, Taiwan

Presentation: Creating 21st Century Communications Services and Technology For Ultra Scale Digital Media: The High Performance Digital Media Network (HPDMnet), Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University
Presentation: High Level Policy Motivations and Rational for EREs,Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University
Presentation: Key Enabling Infrastructure/Foundation Resources: 100 Gbps Architecture and Technologies -- The Intersection of GENI and Other EREs and 100 Gbps Architecture, Technologies, and Testbeds


April 9-11 2014
PRAGMA Meeting
Tainan, Taiwan
iCAIR participation in sessions on international networking and testbeds.


March 20, 2014
Open Grid Forum Network Service Interface (NSI) Meeting (co-located with GLIF Tech meeting)
Atlanta, Georgia
iCAIR participated in discussions of NSI architecture, prototypes, and implementation strategies


March 19-20, 2014
GLIF Technical Working Group Meeting 21
Georgia Tech University
Atlanta Georgia
Co-located with the 19th GENI Engineering Conference.
Participants; Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen


March 18-20, 2014
GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 19)
Georgia Tech University
Atlanta, Georgia
Presentation and Demonstration: Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs): Emerging Innovations In SDN Interdomain Services and Capabilities, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University
Presentation and Demonstration, SDX 0.1-StarLight Enabling Multi-Domain SDN, Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, iCAIR, Northwestern University
Presentation: Software-Defined Network Exchanges: Emerging Innovations In SDN Interdomain Services and Capabilities, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University
Presentation, Demonstration, Nowcast on A GENI Slice, Mike Zink, University of Massachusetts
Presentation: GENI Experiment Engine, Rick McGeer (US Ignite, Univ of Victoria), Andy Bavier (Priceton), Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, iCAIR, Northwestern University, Stephen Tredger, Univ of Victoria, Jude Nelson (Princeton), Nick Bastin (Barnstormer)


March 5-6, 2014
13th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop, Sponsored by NTT Network Innovation Laboratories.
Hosted by Calit2's Qualcomm Institute, University of California, San Diego/La Jolla, California
Presentation: Software-Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs): Emerging Innovations In SDN Inter-domain Services and Capabilities, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


February 4-7, 2014
Poznan Supercomputing and High Performance Networking Center
Poznan, Poland
Presentation: Creating 21st Century Communications Services and Technology: Challenges and Opportunities, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


December 17-18, 2013
Software Defined Networking (SDN) Program Review Workshop
Washington DC
iCAIR Participation


December 9-13, 2013
DCC 2013 : Workshop on Distributed Cloud Computing
Dresden, Germany
iCAIR Participation


November 17-22, 2013
SC13 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
Denver, Colorado
Demonstration and Presentation: 100 Gbps Transport For Large Scale Data Transport for Petascale Science Using the StarWave Multi-100 Gbps Exchange Facility at the StarLight Facility for Core Switching Services
iCAIR and Multiple Organizational Participants
Demonstration and Presentation: National 100 Gbps Testbed for Petascale Science (at SCinent Network Research Exhibition Forum), Joint Partnership with the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, ESnet, Ciena, MAX, and ESnet
iCAIR and Multiple Organizational Participants
Demonstration and Presentation: SDN/International OpenFlow Testbed
iCAIR and Multiple International Organizational Participants
Demonstration and Presentation (at SCinent Network Research Exhibition Forum): DataScope at 100 Gbps: Next Generation, Science Research and Discovery, Alex Szalay, Jan VandenBerg, Joe Mambretti, ESnet, and Multiple Research Partners
Demonstration and Presentation (at SCinent Network Research Exhibition Forum): The Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) at 40/100 Gbps With ExoGENI, Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Cees De Laat, Ralph Koning, J.P Velders, Ilya Baldin, Chris Heermann
Demonstration and Presentation HPC Open Science Data Cloud (OSDC) for Data Intensive Research at 100 Gbps (at SCinent Network Research Exhibition Forum), Robert Grossman, Joe Mambretti
Demonstration and Presentation (at SCinent Network Research Exhibition Forum) Computational Genomics at 100 Gbps Speeds, Don Preuss, Robert Grossman, Joe Mambretti
Demonstration: International HPDMnet
Multiple International Organizational Participants
Demonstration: International Global Environment for Network Innovations (iGENI)
Multiple SDN/OpenFlow Demonstrations
iCAIR and Multiple International Organizational Participants


November 19, 2013
Joint Engineering Task Force (JET) Meeting
Denver, Colorado
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University: Participation


November 18th, 2013
100 Gbps Transatlantic Science Trials Workshop At SC13
Denver, Colorado
Presentation: Petascale Science Prototype Services Facility (PSPSF), Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


October 27-29, 2013
18th GENI Engineering Conference
Polytechnic Institute of New York University
Brooklyn, New York
Demonstration and Presentation: The International Global Environment for Network Innovations (iGENI), The International OpenFlow Testbed, and Related Experimental Research Facilities, Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, and Multiple Research Partners


October 14-15, 2013
GENI-FIRE Workshop
Leuven, Belgium
Presentation: International Data Plane Federation and the Network Services Interface (NSI), Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


October 2-3, 2013
13th Annual Global LambdaGrid Workshop 2013
Global Lambda Integrated Facility (GLIF
(Annual Meeting of the GLIF Community)
Demonstration and Presentation: 'International "Slice Around the World" and Dynamic Provisioning for iGENI Network.
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen Fei Yeh, iCAIR, Northwestern University, Grace Lee, NCHC, with Multiple International Organizational Participants

Demonstration and Presentation: High Performance Digital Media Network (HPDMnet): Dynamically Provisioned Inter-Domain International Service for High Performance Digital Media and Other Data Intensive Applications
iCAIR, NCHC, the HPDMnet Consortium and Multiple International Organizational Participants
Presentation: StarLight International/National Communications Exchange Facility GOLE Update
Joe Mambretti, Linda Winkler, Alan Verlo


October 1, 2013
GLIF Americas Workshop
Multiple International Organizational Participants: Maxine Brown EVL at UIC, and Joe Mambretti (iCAIR) organized the 6th annual meeting of the North and South American participants in the GLIF


September 16, 2013
100 Gbps International Network Research Workshop, SURFsara
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Presentation: Petascale Science Prototype Services Facility (PSPSF), Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


September 16, 2013
100 Gbps International Network Research Workshop at University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Presentation: Petascale Science Prototype Services Facility (PSPSF), Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


September 16, 2013
100 Gbps International Network Research Workshop at SURFnet
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Presentation: Petascale Science Prototype Services Facility (PSPSF), Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


August 19-23, 2013
36th APAN Meeting
KAIST, Daegeon, Korea
Global Networking Support for International Performance Art Demonstrations
StarLight Facility, HPDMnet, and iCAIR


August 16, 2013
The Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Creating 21st Century Communications Services: Next Generation Applications, Advanced Technologies, and Global Facilities, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


July 24, 2013
CSTNET-CNIC-iCAIR Advanced Network Research Workshop
Chicago, Illinois
Multiple CST, CNIC and iCAIR Demonstrations and presentations on SDN, OpenFlow and Advanced Network Research Testbeds


July 21-23, 2012
17th GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 17)
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin
Demonstration and Presentation: 'International "Slice Around the World" and Dynamic Provisioning for iGENI Network.
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh iCAIR, Northwestern University
with Multiple International Organizational Participants
Demonstration: International Dynamic Network and VM Provisioning iCAIR and KISTI, Korea
Demonstration: International GENI (iGENI)
iCAIR and Multiple International Participants
Demonstration: Highly Scalable Network Research TransCloud
Prototype: This multi-organization TransCloud demonstration showcases a capability for using dynamic large scale cloud and network infrastructure for highly distributed specialized capabilities among multiple sites connected by the iGENI network, including digital media transcoding and streaming to multiple edge platforms, supported by scaleable cloud computing and network provisioning.
Rick McGeer, Joe Mambretti, Paul Müller, Chris Matthews, Chris Pearson, Yvonne Coady, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Andy Bavier, Marco Yuen, Alvin Au Young, Alex Snoeren


July 23, 2013
Invitational Workshop on International Federated Network Testbeds
Madison, Wisconsin
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Northwestern University: Participation


July 19-21, 2013
Indian Institute of Science Alumni Second Global Conference
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Creating 21st Century Communications Services: Next Generation Applications, Advanced Technologies, and Global Facilities, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


June 24-26, 2013
US Ignite Application Summit
Chicago, Illinois
StarLight/MREN networking support for multiple demonstrations
Presentation: GENI, US Ignite, and Innovations Creating 21st Century Communication Services and Technologies, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


June 15-August 23th, 2013
Pre-staging and Network Provisioning for the 36th APAN Meeting
KAIST, Daegeon, Korea
Provisioning for International Performance Art Demonstrations
StarLight Facility and iCAIR


June 17-18, 2013
Large Hadron Collider Open Network Environment (LHCONE)- Large Hadron Collider Optical Private Network (LHCOPN) Joint Meeting
Paris, France
Presentation: Control Frameworks Based On OpenFlow Integrated Within the NSF's Large Scale Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI), by Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University
Presentation: Experimental Research On The iGENI/International OpenFlow Testbed, by Joe Mambretti, , iCAIR, Northwestern University


June 9-12, 2013
Canadian Higher Education Information Technology Conference (CANHEIT)
“Exceptional Ideas For a Changing World”
University of Ottawa and Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
StarLight, CANARIE, Ciena, and iCAIR supported the implementation of a 100 Gbps testbed from StarLight to the Ciena Research Labs in Ottawa, for a showcase of 100 Gbps applications and demonstrations.


June 6-7 2013
GLIF Technical Group/OGF Meeting
Maastricht, Netherlands
Presentation: The International Global Environment for Network Innovations (iGENI), The International OpenFlow Testbed, and Related Experimental Research Facilities, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University
Presentation: National Science Foundation’s Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


June 3-6 2013
The TERENA Conference
Maastricht, Netherlands
iCAIR Demonstrations of ANA 100 Gbps Trans-Atlantic Path, with multiple international partners including MultiPath provisioning with SURFnet, CERN, CalTech, and ESnet


June 1, 2013
Invitational Workshop on Future Internet Technologies
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
School of Information Science and Technology
Hefei, China
Presentation: National Science Foundation’s Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI)
International GENI (iGENI), Jim Chen, iCAIR, Northwestern University


May 13 – June 14, 2013
Ciena Vectors Summit (CVS)
Ottawa, Canada
StarLight, CANARIE, Ciena, and iCAIR supported the implementation of a 100 Gbps testbed from StarLight to the Ciena Research Labs in Ottawa, for a showcase of 100 Gbps applications and demonstrations.


May 15-16, 2013
Merit Member Conference
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Presentation: Creating 21st Century Communications Services: Next Generation Applications, Advanced Technologies, and Global Facilities, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


April 26, 2013
Open Cloud Consortium Session at the Chicago Big Data Event
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Creating 21st Century Communications Services: Next Generation Applications, Advanced Technologies, and Global Facilities, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


April 18-19, 2013
Advanced Regional and State Networks (ARNS) Workshop: Envisioning The Future As Critical Partners In Data-Driven Science
Washington DC
Invitational small, focused workshop organized to explore the opportunities and challenges the increasing importance, scope, and scale of data-driven science present to U.S. advanced regional and state networks (ARNs). This workshop builds on the work and success of a previous event supported by the National Science Foundation, which identified as a key theme eliminating the network as a bottleneck for the scientific research community. Since then, the importance, scope, and scale of data-driven science have continued to increase. Today, a wide range of disciplines, including those not traditionally associated with computational methods and large data sets, are increasingly looking to “Big Data” to support cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research. Concomitantly, a variety of factors are driving ARNs to incorporate into their plans and strategies emerging developments such as software defined networking (SDN) and cloud services. With the encouragement of individuals at the National Science Foundation and other colleagues, we are aiming to gather 40 to 50 R&E networking and data community leaders, federal officials, and other strategic thinkers to explore the implications of, and issues around, the growing trend towards Big Data in research efforts. The workshop produced contributed papers
Presentation: 21st Century Communications Services and Networks for Data Intensive Science
(Including International Data Intensive Science Collaborative Research)
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


April 19, 2013
Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KISTI)/International Center for Advanced Internet Research (iCAIR) Workshop On International Networking Testbeds
iCAIR, Northwestern University
Chicago Illinois
Presentation: The Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI), the International GENI (iGENI), and Emerging International Network Testbeds, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR Northwestern University


April 16, 2013
APA Broadband Planning and Big Data Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Creating 21st Century Communications Services: Next Generation Applications, Advanced Technologies, and Global Facilities, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


April 12, 2013
100 Gbps Network Connections Planning Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Metropolitan Research and Education Network, Joe Mambretti and Linda Winkler, MREN


April 2, 2013
Towards a Biomedical Commons Cloud Workshop
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: 21st Century Communications Services and Networks for a Biomedical Commons Cloud
Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


March 19-21, 2013
15th GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 15)
Salt Lake City Utah
Demonstration and Presentation: 'International "Slice Around the World" and Dynamic Provisioning for iGENI Network.
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh with Multiple International Organizational Participants
Demonstration: International GENI (iGENI)
iCAIR and Multiple International Participants
Demonstration: Highly Scalable Network Research TransCloud
Prototype: This multi-organization TransCloud demonstration showcases a capability for using dynamic large scale cloud and network infrastructure for highly distributed specialized capabilities among multiple sites connected by the iGENI network, including digital media transcoding and streaming to multiple edge platforms, supported by scaleable cloud computing and network provisioning.
Rick McGeer, Joe Mambretti, Paul Müller, Chris Matthews, Chris Pearson, Yvonne Coady, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Andy Bavier, Marco Yuen, Alvin Au Young, Alex Snoeren


February 26, 2013
100G and Beyond Workshop
San Diego/La Jolla, California
Sponsored by the California Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2), the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), and the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC), The workshop was held in Calit2's Atkinson Hall on the campus of UC San Diego on Feb. 26 to examine 100-Gigabit networking and the ways in which it will impact areas as diverse as data-intensive science, health care, media arts applications, smart manufacturing, and more.. The one-day workshop was held in conjunction with the 12th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop. Workshop panels and presentations focused on ways in which 100-Gigabit networks promise great innovation in the decades to come. Also treated were the campus and lab strategies that could enable researchers and the facilities in which they operate to take full advantage of the next standard for research and education networking, innovation on the network itself, and regional, national, and international testbeds.


February 27-28, 2013
12th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop
San Diego/la Jolla, California
Presentation: The StarWave Multi-100 Gbps Communications Exchange Facility: Design, Initial Experience and Future Directions, Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University


January 31-February 1, 2013
Large Hadron Collider Open Network Environment (LHCONE)- Large Hadron Collider Optical Private Network (LHCOPN) Joint Meeting
Washington DC
Participation: Joe Mambretti, iCAIR, Northwestern University

December 12-14, 2012
IEEE International Conference on Networking (ICON)
Presentation: International Network Research Testbed Facilities Based on OpenFlow: Architecture, Services, Technologies, and Distributed Infrastructure
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh
November 12-16, 2012
SC12 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
Salt Lake City, Utah
Demonstration: 100 Gbps Transport For Large Scale Data Transport
National 100 Gbps Testbed and a SC12 Showfloor Loop
iCAIR and Multiple Organizational Participants
Demonstration International OpenFlow Testbed
iCAIR and Multiple International Organizational Participants
iCAIR and Demonstration: International HPDMnet
Multiple International Organizational Participants
Demonstration: Open Data Science Cloud Testbed
iCAIR and Multiple Organizational Participants
Demonstration: International Global Environment for Network Innovations (iGENI)
"Slice Around the World" Demonstration
iCAIR and Multiple International Organizational Participants
Presentation: OpenFlow Services for Science: An International Experimental Research Network
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Martin Reed, Xuan Du, Elliott Thompson, Vassilios Vassilakis, Te-Lung Liu, Mon-Yen Luo, Chu-Sing Yang, Ronald van der Pol, Sander Boele, Freek Dijkstra, Artur Barczyk, Azher Mughal, Michael Bredel, Ramiro Voicu, Gerben van Malenstein
October 23-25, 2012
15th GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 15)
Houston, Texas
Demonstration and Presentation: 'International "Slice Around the World" and Dynamic Provisioning for iGENI Network.
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen Fei Yeh and
iCAIR and Multiple International Organizational Participants
Demonstration: International GENI (iGENI)
iCAIR and Multiple International Participants
Demonstration: Highly Scalable Network Research TransCloud
Prototype: This multi-organization TransCloud demonstration showcases a capability for using dynamic large scale cloud and network infrastructure for highly distributed specialized capabilities among multiple sites connected by the iGENI network, including digital media transcoding and streaming to multiple edge platforms, supported by scaleable cloud computing and network provisioning.
Rick McGeer, Joe Mambretti, Paul Müller, Chris Matthews, Chris Pearson, Yvonne Coady, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Andy Bavier, Marco Yuen, Jessica Blaine, Alvin Au Young, Alex Snoeren,
October 11-12, 2012
12th Annual Global LambdaGrid Workshop 2012
Global Lambda Integrated Facility (GLIF)
(Annual Meeting of the GLIF Community), Co-Located with IEEE eScience, Microsoft eScience, Open Grid Forum
Chicago, Illinois
Demonstration: 100 Gbps Services and Technology for Petascale Science
Consortium for 100 Gbps Petascale Science
Presentation: 100 Gbps High-End Computer Networking for Petascale Science
Joe Mambretti and the Consortium for 100 Gbps Petascale Science
Demonstration: 'International "Slice Around the World" and Dynamic Provisioning for iGENI Network.
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen Fei Yeh and
Multiple International Organizational Participants
Presentation: 'International "Slice Around the World" and Dynamic Provisioning for iGENI Network.
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen Fei Yeh
100 Gbps Panel Presentation: 100 Gbps High-End Computer Networking for Petascale Science
Joe Mambretti
Demonstration: Dynamic Multi-Domain International Provisioning and HPDMnet
iCAIR and Multiple International Organizational Participants
Presentation: High Performance Digital Media Network (HPDMnet): Dynamically Provisioned Inter-Domain International Service for High Performance Digital Media and Other Data Intensive Applications
Joe Mambretti and the HPDMnet Consortium
Demonstration: HD High performance 8k Streams and HPDMnet
iCAIR and Multiple International Organizational Participants
Demonstration: NSI: Capability for dynamic services provisioning among GLIF GOLES
Multiple International Organizational Participants
Demonstration and Presentation: The InstaGENI Initiative
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Nick Bastin, Andy Bavier, Jessica Blaine, Rick McGeer, Rob Ricci, Nicki Watts
Presentation: StarLight GOLE Update
Joe Mambretti, Linda Winkler, Alan Verlo
October 10, 2012
GLIF Americas Workshop
Multiple International Organizational Participants With EVL at UIC, iCAIR organized the 5th annual meeting of the North and South American participants in the GLIF
October 9, 2012
IEEE International Conference on eScience
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
October 8-10, 2012
Open Grid Forum
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
October 8-9, 2012
Microsoft eScience Workshop: eScience in Action
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
September 20-21, 2012
LHCOPN and LHCONE Joint Meeting
University of Oslo
Oslo, Norway
Presentation: Control Planes and Control Frameworks: Issues, Evolution, and Future Directions
Joe Mambretti
September 11-13, 2012
Bio-IT Cloud Summit
BioIT World's Cloud Optimized Networks
Presentation: 21st Century High Performance Environments for Data Intensive Knowledge Discovery: Applications, Technology, and Global Facilities
Joe Mambretti
August 24, 2012
International Symposium on Network Virtualization 2012
Co-Located With Asian Network Symposium 2012
Kyoto University Yoshida South Campus, Kyoto, Japan
Kyoto, Japan
Demonstration: TransCloud
Rick McGeer and International Organizations
July 23-24, 2012
EuroView2012: "Visions of Future Generation Networks"
ITG workshop co-located with official G-Lab status meeting
Würzburg, Germany
Presentation and Demonstration: An Advanced International Distributed Programmable Environment for Experimental Network Research: "Slice Around the World"
Joe Mambretti and the Consortium for International Advanced Network Research- Leads: Ilia Baldine, Andy Bavier, Scott Campbell, Jeff Chase, Jim Chen, Cees de Laat, Dongkyun Kim, Te-Lung Liu, Luis Fernandez Lopez, Mon-Yen Lou, Rick McGeer, Paul Muller, Aki Nakao, Max Ott, Ronald van der Pol, Martin Reed, Rob Ricci, Ruslan Smeliansky, Marcos Rogerio Salvador, Myung-Ki Shin, Michael Stanton, Jungling Yu
July 12, 2012
GENI CIO Workshop
Boston, Massachusetts
iCAIR Participation
July 9-11, 2012
14th GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 14)
Boston, Massachusetts
Presentation and Demonstration: An Advanced International Distributed Programmable Environment for Experimental Network Research: "Slice Around the World"
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh and Multiple International Organizations
Leads: Ilia Baldine, Andy Bavier, Scott Campbell, Jeff Chase, Cees de Laat, Dongkyun Kim, Te-Lung Liu, Luis Fernandez Lopez, Mon-Yen Lou, Rick McGeer, Paul Muller, Aki Nakao, Max Ott, Ronald van der Pol, Martin Reed, Rob Ricci, Ruslan Smeliansky, Marcos Rogerio Salvador, Myung-Ki Shin, Michael Stanton, Jungling Yu
Demonstration: Dynamic Provisioning for the iGENI Network.
Multiple International Organizational Participants
Demonstration: Highly Scalable Network Research TransCloud
Multiple International Research Organizations
June 21-22, 2012
Third Annual Conference on Internet Search and Innovation
Northwestern University
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Creating Innovative 21st Century Communications, Services, and Technology: Advanced Applications, Technologies, and Global Facilities
Joe Mambretti
June 13, 2012
National Broadband Initiative: US Ignite Launch Event
White House
Washington DC
iCAIR Participation
June 3, 2012
Third Semi-Annual Predictive Science and Engineering Design (PS&ED) Research Symposium
Northwestern University, Evanston Campus
iCAIR Participation
May 3-4, 2012
LHCOPN and LHCONE Joint Meeting
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden
Presentation: GLORIAD As a Facility for Supporting LHCONE Services
Joe Mambretti, Greg Cole
March 13-16, 2012
13th GENI Engineering Conference GEC 13
Global Environment for Network Innovations
Los Angeles, California.
InstaGENI: An Instant GENI Node
Nick Bastin, Andy Bavier, Jessica Blaine, Joe Mambretti,
Narayan Krishnan, Rick McGeer, Rob Ricci, Nicki Watts.
Fei Yeh, Jim Chen
International Global Environment for Network Innovations (iGENI)
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen Fei Yeh,
February 29-March 1, 2012
11th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop (ON*VECTOR - Optical Networked Virtual Environments for Collaborative Trans-Oceanic Research)
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California
Presentation: StarWave: An Innovative Multi-100 Gbps Communications Exchange At the StarLight International/National Facility
Joe Mambretti
January 19-20, 2012
GLORIAD in Asia: A Workshop To Design and Develop Advanced Presentation: Science Research Communications Exchange Facilities In Asia
University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China
Presentations: Advanced Communication Exchange Facilities: Architecture, Services, and Design, Technologies, Implementation and Operations (i.e., Creating 21st Century Communications Services and Technology)
Joe Mambretti
Science Drivers For Next Generation Advanced Open Communication Exchange Facilities
Joe Mambretti
Advanced Open Communication Exchange Facilities: Operations, Economics, Overview of Selected Exchanges
Joe Mambretti
January 18, 2012
Workshop Meeting on Next Generation Open Communication Exchanges for Science Research
University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China
Presentation: Advanced Communication Exchange Facilities: Architecture, Services, and Design, Technologies, Implementation and Operations (i.e., Creating 21st Century Communications Services and Technology)
Joe Mambretti
Presentation: Science Drivers For Next Generation Advanced Open Communication Exchange Facilities
Joe Mambretti
Presentation: Introduction to the StarLight International/National Communications Exchange Facility
Joe Mambretti
December 7-9, 2011
The First International Workshop on Future Internet and Cloud Networking (FICN-2011) in conjunction with IEEE 17th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2011)
Presentation: Creating Future Networks: Designing, Implementing, and Operating Advanced Experimental Network Research Testbeds
Jim Chen, Joe Mambretti, and Fei Yeh
Tainan, Taiwan
November 14-18, 2011
SC11 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
Seattle, Washington
Demonstration: 100 Gbps Transport For Large Scale Data Transport
National 100 Gbps Testbed and a SC11 Showfloor Loop
Multiple Organizational Participants
Demonstration International OpenFlow Testbed
Multiple International Organizational Participants
Demonstration: International HPDMnet
Multiple International Organizational Participants
Demonstration: Open Data Science Cloud Testbed
Multiple Organizational Participants
Demonstration: International Global Environment for Network Innovations (iGENI)
Multiple Organizational Participants
Presentation: OpenFlow International Experimental Research Network
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen
November 2-4, 2011
12th GENI Engineering Conference GEC 12
Global Environment for network Innovations
Los Angeles California
International Global Environment for Network Innovations
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh
TransCloud: A Distributed Environment Based On
Dynamic Networking
Rick McGeer, Joe Mambretti, Paul Müller, Chris Matthews, Chris Pearson, Yvonne Coady, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Andy Bavier, Marco Yuen, Jessica Blaine, Alvin Au Young, Alex Snoeren,
Advanced Programmable Networks: A Demonstration of Software Defined Networks, OpenFlow, and Current GENI Capabilities
Multiple Participants: Northwestern University, National Center for High Performance Computing, Communications Research Center, SARA, University of Amsterdam, GENI, NLR, StarLight Consortium, Metropolitan Research and Education Network, GLIF
October 26, 2011
Ciena Vectors Summit Research and Education Day
Ottawa, Canada
100 Gbps Network Testbed Demonstrations
StarLight-Ottawa Advanced Networking 100 Testbed
iCAIR Demonstrations, Participation
September 26, 2011
Gig.U Workshop
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
September 13-15, 2011
Global Lambda Grid Workshop
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Major International Networking Trends
Joe Mambretti
StarLight GOLE Update
Joe Mambretti, Linda Winkler, Alan Verlo
Presentation and Demonstration: International High Performance Digital Media Network (HPDMnet)
iCAIR and Multiple Participants HPDMnet Consortium
September 12, 2011
GLIF Americas Workshop
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Presentations: LHCONE, Various NSF IRNC Projects on Behalf of PIs
Joe Mambretti
August 8-11, 2011
International Network Research Testbed Meetings and Workshop
University of Essex
Colchester, United Kingdom
Presentations: Multiple Presentations on Major International Networking Research Projects, Experiments and Demonstrations
iCAIR and the University of Essex
July 28-29, 2011
The 11th Emerging Information and Technology Conference Research, Innovation and Commercialization
University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Creating Advanced Communications for the 21st Century: Applications, Technologies, and Global Facilities
Joe Mambretti
July 26-28, 2011
GENI Engineering Conference GEC 11
Denver, Colorado
International Global Environment for Network Innovations
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh
TransCloud: A Distributed Environment Based On
Dynamic Networking
Rick McGeer, Joe Mambretti, Paul Müller, Chris Matthews, Chris Pearson, Yvonne Coady, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Andy Bavier, Marco Yuen, Jessica Blaine, Alvin Au Young, Alex Snoeren,
Presentation: iGENI Presentation for ORCA Cluster Meeting
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh
July 11-13, 2011
University of Essex-iCAIR Workshop
Chicago Illinois
Presentations: Multiple Project Presentations and Demonstrations on Major International Networking Research Projects, Experiments, and Demonstrations
iCAIR and University of Essex
June 13-14, 2011
LHCONE North America Meeting
Washington DC
iCAIR Participation
June 1-3, 2011
Great Plains Network Planning Conference
Kansas City, Mo.
Presentation: StarWave - Multi-100 Gbps Services Networks at the StarLight International/National Communications Exchange Facility
Joe Mambretti
May 24, 2011
GLORIAD Workshop
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
May 12, 2011
LHCONE North American Summit
Washington DC
iCAIR Participation
April 14, 2011
Workshop on High Performance Applications of Cloud and Grid Tools
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
April 12-13, 2011
Cloud Computing and Its Applications CCA11
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
March 24-25, 2011
Workshop on Future Heterogeneous Networks
Highly Controllable Dynamic Heterogeneous Networking
Mountain View, CA
iCAIR Participation
March 14-17, 2011
10th GENI Engineering Conference GEC 10
Global Environment for Network Innovations
Puerto Rico
International Global Environment for Network Innovations (iGENI)
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh
TransCloud: A Distributed Environment Based On
Dynamic Networking
Rick McGeer, Joe Mambretti, Paul Müller, Chris Matthews, Chris Pearson, Yvonne Coady, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Andy Bavier, Marco Yuen, Jessica Blaine, Alvin Au Young, Alex Snoeren,
Presentation: iGENI Dynamic Provisioning
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh
March 8, 2011
Illinois Broadband Deployment Council
Springfield, Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
March 1-4, 2011
10th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop (ON*VECTOR - Optical Networked Virtual Environments for Collaborative Trans-Oceanic Research)
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California
Presentation: Future GOLEs: StarWave - Multi-100 Gbps Services at the StarLight International/National Communications Exchange Facility
Joe Mambretti
February 18, 2011
Conducting Research on LEARN Workshop
University of Houston
Houston, Texas
Presentation: FutureNets: Designing Architecture, Technology, and Facilities for Multi-Service, Deterministic, Differentiated-Attribute Networks
Joe Mambretti
February 16-17, 2011
Terabit Networks for Extreme Scale Science
Department of Energy Office of Science
Rockville, Maryland
iCAIR Participation
February 2, 2011
Illinois ARRA Broadband Awardees Regional Meeting
Northern Illinois University
Naperville, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
January 31, 2011
GLORIAD-SingAREN-SingLight-iCAIR Workshop
Presentations: Introduction to the International Center for Advanced Internet Research
International Experimental Research Infrastructure for Network Science, Including GENI and iGENI
100 Gbps Communication Services: Opportunities, Challenges, Architecture, and Technology
Joe Mambretti
January 27, 2011
Beijing, China
Presentations: Creating 21st Century Communications Services and Technology: Applications, Technology, and Global Facilities
International Experimental Research Infrastructure for Network Science, Including GENI and iGENI
100 Gbps Communication Services: Opportunities, Challenges, Architecture, and Technology
Joe Mambretti


iCAIR Event Archive for 2010-2006
Event Year
November 14-19, 2010
SC10 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
Demonstration: 100 Gbps Transport For Large Scale Data Transport
Multiple Organizational Participants
Demonstration: HPDMnet
Multiple Organizational Participants
Demonstration: TeraFlow Network Testbed
Multiple Organizational Participants
Demonstration: Open Cloud Testbed
Multiple Organizational Participants
November 2-4, 2010
9th GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 9)
Washington, D.C.
Demonstration: Dynamic Provisioning for the iGENI Cluster D Network -- In partnership with RENCI (Renaissance Computing Institute), Duke University, the University of Massachusetts, Wayne State, Ohio State, and other D-Cluster participants, iGENI Consortium has implemented the Open Resource Control Architecture (ORCA) control framework at the StarLight international exchange facility, which supports demonstrations of flexible, programmable heterogeneous networking among multiple national and international sites, including dynamic path provisioning.
Multiple Organizational Participants
Demonstration: Highly Scalable Network Research TransCloud Prototype: This multi-organization TransCloud demonstration showcases a capability for using dynamic large scale cloud and network infrastructure for highly distributed specialized capabilities among multiple sites connected by the iGENI network, including digital media transcoding and streaming to multiple edge platforms, supported by scaleable cloud computing and network provisioning.
Multiple Organizational Participants

October 20-21, 2010
National Science Foundation Envisioning the Future of Advanced Regional and State Networks in the Broadband Era Workshop
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
iCAIR Participation

October 12-14, 2010
Global Lambda Grid Workshop 2010 (Annual Meeting of the GLIF Community)
CERN, Geneva
Demonstration: Dynamic Multi-Domain International Provisioning and HPDMnet
Multiple Organizational Participants
Demonstration: HD High performance 4k Streams and HPDMnet
Poznan and Other HPDMnet Participants
Demonstration: Fenius: Capability for dynamic services provisioning among GLIF GOLES
Multiple Organizational Participants
October 1-31, 2010
Multiple International Sites
100 Gbps Transport Over Optical Channels
Multiple Organizational Participants
October 11, 2010
4rd Annual North American Global Lambda Integrated Facility Meeting
CERN, Genva
With EVL at UIC, iCAIR organized the 3rd annual meeting of the North American participants in the GLIF

Sept 28-30, 2010
GENI-FIRE Workshop
Brussels, Belgium
iCAIR Participation 

Sept 28-Oct 18, 2010
Ciena Vector Summit
Ottawa, Canada
100 Gbps Demonstrations
iCAIR Participation 
August 17-19, 2010
Transformational Networking Workshop
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, California
iCAIR Participation 
July 22-23, 2010
Quilt GENI Workshop
Presentation: Partnerships for Advanced Global Networking: GENI, iGENI, and the International Network Research Community
Joe Mambretti
July 20-22, 2010
8th GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 8)
Demonstration: Dynamic Provisioning for the iGENI Cluster D Network -- In partnership with RENCI (Renaissance Computing Institute), Duke University, the University of Massachusetts, Wayne State, Ohio State, and other D-Cluster participants, iGENI Consortium has implemented the Open Resource Control Architecture (ORCA) control framework at the StarLight international exchange facility and supported a demonstration of flexible, programmable heterogeneous networking among multiple national and international sites, including dynamic path provisioning.
Multiple Organizational Participants
Demonstration: Highly Scalable Network Research TransCloud Prototype: This multi-organization TransCloud demonstration showcased a capability for using dynamic large scale cloud and network infrastructure for highly distributed specialized capabilities among multiple sites connected by the iGENI network, including digital media transcoding and streaming to multiple edge platforms, supported by scaleable cloud computing and network provisioning.
Multiple Organizational Participants
Presentation: Partnerships for Advanced Global Networking: GENI, iGENI, and the International Network Research Community
Joe Mambretti
Presentation: iGENI and GENI Cluster-D Network (GCDnet) Update for GEC 8, Including
Spiral 2 Status and Spiral3 Plans
Joe Mambretti
July 13, 2010
Nation Science Foundation (NSF) International Networking Research Connections Program (IRNC) Kick-Off Meeting
Arlington, Virginia
Presentation: IRNC:ProNet: TransLight/StarLight
Tom DeFanti, Maxine Brown, Joe Mambretti, Tajana Rosing
June 21, 2010
ScienceCloud: 1st Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: An Overview of the Open Science Data Cloud
Robert Grossman, Yunhong Gu, Michal Sabala, Joe Mambretti, Alex Szalay, Kevin White
June 20-25, 210
High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC)
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
June 20-22, 2010
25th Open Grid Forum, OGF25
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
June 16-18, 2010
CFI 2010 5th International Conference on Future Internet Technologies
Seoul, Korea
Presentation: Creating the Future Internet: The Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) and the International GENI (iGENI)
Joe Mambretti
2nd Future Internet Testbed & Research Workshop
Presentation: Enabling Next Generation Applications and Communicaton Services With Agile, Dynamic Networks
Joe Mambretti
June 3, 2010
Second Semi-Annual Predictive Science and Engineering Design (PS&ED) Research Symposium
Northwestern University, Evanston Campus
iCAIR Participation
May 3, 2010
Predicative Science and Engineering Design (PSED) Symposium
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
March 31, 2010
Northwestern University, Chicago Campus
Northwestern Forum on HPC for Chinese Academy of Sciences
Presentation: Creating 21st CenturyCommunications Services and Technology for New Knowledge Discovery: Applications, Technology, and Global Facilities
Joe Mambretti
March 16-18, 2010
7th GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 7)
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina.
Demonstration: Dynamic Provisioning -- In partnership with RENCI (Renaissance Computing Institute), Duke University, the University of Massachusetts, and other D-Cluster participants, iGENI Consortium implemented the Open Resource Control Architecture (ORCA) control framework at the StarLight international exchange facility and supported a demonstration of dynamic vLAN provisioning.
Multiple organizational Partners
Demonstration: Highly Scalable Network Research Lab Instrument -- this demonstration showcased a capability for using dynamic large scale infrastructure for highly distributed network experiment instrumentation, including a 7000 mile network testbed for high performance protocols.
Fei Yeh, Jim Chen, Joe Mambretti
Presentation: Connecting GENI and Cluster-D with iGENI and GCDNet
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen
February 11, 2008
Terabit LAN Workshop
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California
Presentation: Responses To Issues and Questions
Joe Mambretti
March 2-4, 2010
Globus World
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois
iCAIR Participation 
February 10, 2010
Technical Meeting of the Terabit LAN Working Group
University of California at San Diego
La Jolla, California
Presentation: Three T-LAN Questions
Joe Mambretti
February 8-11, 2010
9th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop (ON*VECTOR - Optical Networked Virtual Environments for Collaborative Trans-Oceanic Research)
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California
Presentation: iGENI: International Global Environment for Network Innovations
Joe Mambretti
January 11, 2010
Chicago Forum on Communications Infrastructure
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Foundation Communications Infrastructure Required for Digital Economies
Joe Mambretti
December 11, 2009
First Semi-Annual Predictive Science and Engineering Design (PS&ED) Research Symposium
Northwestern University, Evanston Campus
iCAIR Participation
November 15-20, 2009
SC09 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
Portland, Oregon
Demonstration: Dynamic International Optical Inter-Domain Provisioning
iCAIR and multiple international research partners
Demonstration: High Performance Digital Media Network (HPDMnet)
iCAIR and multiple international research partners
Demonstration: 3D Virtual Environments for Science
iCAIR (Jim Chen, Fei Yeh), and Intel
The NCDM/iCAIR/NRL team demonstrated three applications to show efficient bandwidth
utilization in distributed data intensive applications, overall, achieving 25Gb/sec sustained throughput over a 200ms RTT, 12,000 mile path utilizing only seven servers at the SC09 floor.
Demonstration: UDXnet: Demonstration of a new high performance transport protocol, UDX, for data intensive science applications. The UDX (a lightweight variant of UDT) demonstration transported 9.3-9.6 Gbps streams using a single connection over a US national 7,000 mile testbed with 200 Ms RTT, C-Wave, based on lightpath channels within optical fiber.
iCAIR, National Center for Data Mining at UIC, and the Laboratory for Advanced Computing at UIC
Demonstrations: large scale data streaming using the TeraFlow testbed and experimental prototyping using the Open Cloud Testbed: a) processing very large datasets over 256 servers in 4 data centers connected by wide area high speed networks, a data analysis application that exchanges data at over 100Gb/s among participating nodes (using the open source software Sector/Sphere and UDT, developed by NCDM) and b) a cloud based image rendering application that delivers very high resolution visualization (computed by remote cloud systems) over long distance infiniband and IPv6, employing a hardware implementation of UDT was deployed to support the long distance infiniband protocol.
NCDM, LAC, NRL, and iCAIR Participated
The research team led by the Open Cloud Consortium won the Bandwidth Challenge for new technology to support data intensive applications over wide-area clouds.
November 16-18, 2009
6th GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 6)
Salt Lake City, Utah.
iCAIR participated in 6th GENI Engineering Conference, a series of conferences organized to advance progress on the National Science Foundation funded Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI).
Presentation: iGENI, the International GENI
Joe Mambretti
October 29, 2009
Daejeon, South Korea
iCAIR Participation
October 29, 2009
3rd Annual North American Global Lambda Integrated Facility Meeting
Daejeon, South Korea
With EVL at UIC, iCAIR organized the 3rd annual meeting of the North American participants in the GLIF
October 27-28 2009
9th Annual Global LambdaGrid Workshop
Daejeon, South Korea
Demonstrations: iCAIR, the Korean Institute of Science and Technology Information, and the HPDMnet consortium organized demonstrations for the annual GLIF workshops, including dynamic international optical inter-domain provisioning, high performance digital media and visualization, 3D virtual environments, 3D imaging, and 3D HD streaming.
Presentation: iGENI: International Global Environment for Network Innovations
Joe Mambretti
Presentation: StarLight GOLE Update
October 20, 2009
Cloud Computing and Its Applications Forum
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Open Cloud Testbed: Supporting Cloud Computing With Large Scale, High
Performance, Dynamic Network Services
Joe Mambretti
October 19, 2009
Discovery 2015: Next Generation Knowledge Discovery Capabilities for 21st Century Science
University of Maryland
College Park Maryland
Presentation: Potentials for High Performance Communication Services Based on Dark Fiber
Joe Mambretti
October 10, 2009
PANIIT 2009 Global Conference
Oakbrook, Illinois
Panel: Futures in Broadband and Computing Infrastructure
Presentation: Innovations In Next Generation Network Services and Technology
Joe Mambretti
October 8, 2009
Annual Conference of the Illinois Library Association
Peoria, Illinois
Presentation: 21st Century Communication Services and Technology for New Knowledge Discovery”
Joe Mambretti
September 8-9, 2009
Third International ICAST Conference on Networks for Grid Applications GridNets 2009
Athens, Greece
Keynote Presentation: Designing 21st Century Communications: Architecture, Services, Technology, and Facilities
Joe Mambretti
Presentation: The Open Cloud Testbed: Supporting Open Source Cloud Computing Systems Based On Large Scale High Performance, Dynamic Network Services
Joe Mambretti
August 27-29, 2009
Science Discovery Forum
Washington DC
iCAIR Participation 
August 25-26, 2009
Discovery 2015 Computational Science Workshop
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Creating Advanced Communications for the 21st Century: Applications, Technology, and Global Facilities
Joe Mambretti
July 20 -22, 2009
5th GENI Engineering Conference
Seattle, Washington.
iCAIR participated in 5th GENI engineering conference, a series of conferences organized to advance progress on the National Science Foundation funded Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI)
July 15, 2009
Illinois Communications Foundation Infrastructure Policy Forum
Chicago Illinois
Presentation: Creating Advanced Communications for the 21st Century: A State Policy Perspective
Joe Mambretti
July 1-3, 2009
Center for Informatics and Information Technology Symposium on Special Topics in Computer Science and Information Technology
Braunschweig, Germany
Presentation: Next Generation Cloud Computing: Advanced Services, Architecture, and Technologies
Joe Mambretti
May 27, 2009 - May 28, 2009
Great Lakes Consortium for Petascale Computation Annual Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
May 20, 2009
Internet Studies Conference
Northwestern Law School
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Creating Advanced Communications for 21st Centuty Research and Education: Applications, Technology, and Global Facilities
Joe Mambretti
April 6-7, 2009
National Science Foundation IRNC Planning Meeting
Arlington, Virginia

Presentation: Creating Advanced Capabilities for 21st Century Scientific Research:
The Science and methods of Advanced Digital Research
Joe Mambretti

February 26, 2009
Terabit LAN Workshop
La Jolla, California
iCAIR participated in the annual meeting of a research working group designing architecture and technology for Terabit LANs.
February 22-24, 2009
8th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop (ON*VECTOR - Optical Networked Virtual Environments for Collaborative Trans-Oceanic Research)
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California
Presentation: High Performance Digital Media Network (HPDMnet): A Control Plane Architecture for Digital Media and CSCW Applications As A Component To A Dynamically Provisioned Inter-Domain International Service for High Performance Digital Media
Joe Mambretti
February 12-15, 2009
American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Conference (AAAS)
Chicago, Illinois
Multiple Demonstrations: In partnership with the National Science Foundation, the National Center for Data Mining and the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago, iCAIR organized multiple demonstrations of national and international optical network based communication services and testbeds, including dynamic multi domain provisioning. iCAIR also designed and provisioned a lightpath to the conference to support the demonstrations
November 16-21, 2008
SC08 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
Austin, Texas
Demonstrations: With its international partners, iCAIR organized several demonstrations for SC08, including several related to dynamic international optical inter-domain provisioning, high performance digital media and science data streaming (a demonstration awarded an Xnet designation at the conference), and with the National Center for Data Mining at UIC, large scale high performance data streaming using the TeraFlow testbed.
October 8-10, 2008
Second International ICAST Conference on Networks for Grid Applications GridNets 2008
Beijing, China
iCAIR co-organized GridNets 2008 and served as co-chair of the TCP
Presentation: Next Generation Networks Services, Architecture and Technologies
Joe Mambretti
October 3, 2008
2rd Annual North American Global Lambda Integrated Facility Meeting
Seattle, Washington
With EVL at UIC, iCAIR organized the 2rd annual meeting of the North American participants in the GLIF
October 1-2, 2008
8th Annual Global LambdaGrid Workshop
Seattle, Washington
Demonstration: An Experimental Architecture and Prototype Optical Digital Media Service Demonstration of Current Research Status
Presentation: High Performance Digital Media Network (HPDMnet): A Dynamically Provisioned Inter-Domain International Service for High Performance Digital Media, With Dynamic Optical Multicast
Presentation: Network Research Challenges Workshop: Objectives and Agenda
Joe Mambretti
September 28-30, 2008
Workshop On Network Research Challenges For 2015 Global Networks
Seattle, Washington
With several other networking research organizations, iCAIR co-chaired the Network Research Challenges Workshop, co-sponsored by the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering and the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, in co-operation with the of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program’s Large Scale Networking Coordination Group.
iCAIR Co-Chaired the workshop
September 19, 2008
International R&E International Networking Strategy Meeting
Denver, Colorado
iCAIR Participation
July 8, 2008
Illinois Communications Foundation Infrastructure Policy Forum
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Creating Advanced Communication Policies for the 21st Century: Perspectives for Illinois
Joe Mambretti
July 1-2, 2008
Virtual School of Computational Science & Engineering Planning Meeting
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
iCAIR participated in the Great Lakes Consortium for Petascale Computing's Virtual School of Computational Science and Engineering planning meeting. The goal of the Virtual School is to help prepare the next generation of computational scientists and engineers to exploit high performance computing - especially petascale computing - for scientific discovery and engineering innovation. The initial focus is on graduate and post-graduate education.
Presentation: Advanced Networking for Research and Education
Joe Mambretti:
June 26, 2008
GLORIAD Workshop
Daejeon, Korea
Presentation: Advanced Research for Next Generation Networks and Communication Services
Joe Mambretti
June 24-25 2008
KRnet 2008: The 16th Korea Internet Conference
Seoul, Korea
Presentation: Creating Advanced Communications for the 21st Century: Applications, Technology and Global Facilities
Joe Mambretti
June 2-6, 2008
The 23rd Open Grid Forum - OGF23 (OGF-Europe's First International Event) Co-Located with the BEinGRID Industry Days
Barcelona, Spain
iCAIR participated in the OGF23 event.
May 29, 2008
Research Project Forum
University of Illinois at Chicago
Presentation: Advanced Communications, StarLight, and Large Scale Research Projects
Joe Mambretti
May 27-28, 2009
Great Lakes Consortium for Petascale Computation Annual Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
May 13-14, 2008
WiscNet Future Technologies Conference
Madison, Wisconsin
Presentation: Creating Communications for the 21st Century: Architecture, Technology and Facilities
Joe Mambretti
April 8-9, 2008
Advanced Networking for Distributed Petascale Science: R&D Challenges and Opportunities
Gaithesberg, Maryland
iCAIR participated in organizing the event structure and in writing the workshop report.
Session Presentation: Research Agenda and Design Concepts for Distributed Petascale Science Experimental Networking and Testbeds
Joe Mambretti
March 27, 2008
Illinois Broadband Infrastructure Policy Forum
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: 21st Century Communications Services, Technology and Infrastructure
Joe Mambretti
March 12, 2008
American Planning Association
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Chicago and 21st Century Advanced Communications: Applications, Technology, and Facilities
Joe Mambretti
February 25-28, 2008
The 22nd Open Grid Forum - OGF22
Cambridge, MA
iCAIR Participation
February 21, 2008
Terabit LAN Workshop
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California
iCAIR Participation
February 19-21, 2008
7th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop (ON*VECTOR - Optical Networked Virtual Environments for Collaborative Trans-Oceanic Research)
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California
Presentation: High Performance Digital Media Networks and HPDMnet -- Research Investigating and Prototyping Experimental Architecture and Technology for Optical Digital Media Services
Joe Mambretti
October 25-28, 2007
ArtFutura 2007
Barcelona, Spain
Demonstration: High Performance Digital Media Network (HPDMnet)
iCAIR and Multiple International Organizations
October 24-26, 2007
Den Haag, Netherlands
Demonstration: High Performance Digital Media Network (HPDMnet)
iCAIR and Multiple International Organizations
Oct 17- 19, 2007
GridNets 2007, Lyon, France
iCAIR  served on the Technical Program Committee of GridNets 2007

Presentation: A Peer-to-Peer Infrastructure for Distributing Large Scientific Data Sets Over Wide Area High-Performance Networks: Experimental Studies Using Wide Area Layer 2 Services 

Robert L Grossman, Joe Mambretti, Yunhong Gu 
Oct 9, 2007
DARPA Workshop on Request for Information on Routing Protocols and Management for High Capacity Networks
Arlington, Va.
Oct 3, 2007

SAGE-enabled Cyberspace Demonstration over GLORIAD -- Part of Sputnik

iCAIR participated in supporting a special event as part of the 50th year anniversary of the Sputnik launch.


Sept 24, 2007
USA and Russian GLORIAD Partnership Establish International Geoscience Collaboration

iCAIR participated in establishing a new high performance network to support international geoscience collaborations between the US and the Russian federation.


Sept 19-20, 2007
CEF Workshop
Prague, Czech Republic

Presentation: TeraFlow Network: An National Research Testbed for Data Intensive Science - Based on Dynamic Lightpaths
Joe Mambretti

Sept 17-18, 2007
7th Annual Global LambdaGrid Workshop
Prague, Czech Republic
Demonstration: International High Performance Digital Media Based on Dynamic Optical Multicast

Presentation: International High Performance Digital Media Based on Dynamic Optical Multicast – An Application Perspective
Joe Mambretti

Presentation: International High Performance Digital Media Based on Dynamic Optical Multicast – A Control Plane Perspective
Joe Mambretti
July 20-21,2007
Chicago, Illinois
July 18, 2007
Illinois Broadband Deployment Policy Taskforce Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
June 1, 2007
iCAIR, the NCDM and GLORIAD Immplement and Demonstrate New USA-Russia Lightpath Enables Fast Data Transfer of Terabyte-Sized Scientific Datasets, Using StarLight As a Core Facility
Chicago, Illinois
June 9, 2007
Presentation: Recent Advanced Grid Network Research Experiments and Results
Joe Mambretti
June 5-8, 2007
GridAsia 2007
Presentation:  21st Century Communications, Services, Architecture, and Technology
Joe Mambretti
April 20, 2007
Forum on Next Generation Networks
Illinois State University
Presentation: The Future of Higher Education and Next Generation Communications
Joe Mambretti
February 28, 2007
Terabit LAN Workshop
February 25-27, 2007
6th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop
Presentation: International High Performance, High Definition Digital Media Using Dynamic Optical Multicast and L2 Frame Duplication
Joe Mambretti

February 7, 2007
Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Chicago, Illinois

Presentation: Chicago’s Global Future and International Advanced Communications
Joe Mambretti


January 21-23, 2007
OptIPuter AHM

Presentation: International High Performance, High Definition Digital Media Using Dynamic Optical Multicast and L2 Frame Duplication
Joe Mambretti

December 14, 2006
Petascale Science Workshop
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Urbana Illinois
iCAIR Participation
November 29, 2006
The Great Lakes Consortium Petascale Workshop
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Urbana Illinois
iCAIR Participation

November 6, 2006
YPO Forum
Chicago, Illinois

Virtual Reality Meets the Internet of the Future: Health Applications of the Next Generation Internet

Presentation: Health Services and The Next Generation Internet: National and International Advanced Communications and Infrastructure

Joe Mambretti

November 11-17, 2006
Tampa, Florida
Demonstration: International Optical Multicast Demonstration:  TeraFlow Testbed
October 23-25, 2006
US-Large Hadron Collider (LHC) End-to-End Networking Meeting
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Presentation: Cross Network Interdomain) Interoperability
Joe Mambretti
Sept. 13, 2006
Global Lambda Networking Symposium
Tokyo, Japan
Sept 11-12, 2006
6th Annual Global Lambda Grid Workshop
Tokyo, Japan
Co-organizer: Joe Mambretti

Sept 7-8, 2006
Optical Networking Testbed 3 (ONT-3) Workshop
Tokyo, Japan
Co-Chair Joe Mambretti

Presentation:  OMNInet Testbed, GENI, and International Optical Networking Services
Joe Mambretti

July 25-26, 2006
NiCT/JGN2/EVL Workshop
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation 
June 5, 2006
GGF Grid –Telecom Research Group Forum
McCormick Place
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
June 4-8, 2006
Globalcomm Conference
McCormick Place
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation
May 15-17, 2006
HSD 2006 Workshop on Interconnection Within High Speed Digital Systems
Sante Fe, New Mexico
Presentation: OptIPuter: Large Scale Distributed Cyberinfrastructure Based On Dynamic Lambda Provisioning
Joe Mambretti
April 23-27, 2006
Calgary, Canada
Demonstration: Dynamic L2/L1 Provisioning on the Distributed Optical Testbed (DOT) via StarLight To Calgary on CANARIE
iCAIR Participation
March 14-16, 2006
Ottawa, Canada
Presentation: OptIPuter: Large Scale Distributed Cyberinfrastructure Based On Dynamic Lambda Provisioning
Joe Mambretti
March 6, 2006
GLIF International Testbed Demonstration Workshop
Anaheim, California
Presentation:  StarLight and Next Generation Global Communications
Joe Mambretti
February 27- March 1, 2006
6th Annual ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, California
Presentation:  Large Scale High Performance Lightpath Switching
Joe Mambretti
January 17-19, 2006
OptIPuter All hand Meeting
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, California
iCAIR Participation


iCAIR Event Archive for 2005-2001
Event Year

December 14, 2005

SIAC  Technology Forum: Emerging Advanced Technologies for Next Generation Digital Communications
McLean, Virginia
Presentation: A new Architecture for Advanced Communication Services Based on Agile Optical Networks
Joe Mambretti


November 13-18, 2005
SC2005 International Supercomputing Conference
Seattle, Washington

Demonstration: The VM Turntable Experiment – Live VMs Continually Circulating On Optical Lightpaths Among Continents On Global Networks
Franco Travostino, Phil Wang, Cees de Laat, Leon Gommans, Bas van Oudenaarde, Inder Monga, Paul Daspit, Chetan Jog, Satish Raghunath, Joe Mambretti , Jim Chen, Fei Yeh

Demonstration: Optical Multicast: An Experimental Demonstration
Kim Roberts, Paul Daspit, Rod Wilson, David Steele, Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh, Thomas Tam, Bram Peeters


October 27, 2005
Telecommunications Policy Conference
DeKalb, Illinois

Presentation:  The Wealth of Digital Nations: Next Generation Global Communications and Policies
Joe Mambretti

Presentation: Distributed Optical Testbed (DOT): A Grid Applications and Optical Communications Testbed
Joe Mambretti 


October 6-7, 2005
GridNets 2005:  2nd Annual Workshop On Networks for Grid Applications, Co-Located With BroadNets
Boston Massachusetts
Global Research Directions Panelist: Joe Mambretti


October 3-7, 2005
BroadNets 2005
Boston, Massachusetts
Presentation:  Distributed Optical Testbed (DOT): A Grid Applications and Optical Communications Testbed
Joe Mambretti


October 3-6, 2005
GridWorld™/GGF15 (Global Grid Forum)
Boston, Massachusetts
iCAIR Participation: Panel Organizer – Optical Networks and Grids


September 27-Oct 1, 2005
Computing in High Energy Physics (CHEP) Conference
Interlaken, Switzerland
iCAIR Participation


September 29-30, 2005
Global Lambda Grid Workshop 2005
San Diego (La Jolla), California
iCAIR: Co-Organizer


September 26-29, 2005
iGRID 2005
San Diego (La Jolla), California

Presentation:  Enabling Data Intensive Applications with Advanced Optical Technologies
Joe Mambretti (iGRID Co-Program Chair)

DataWave: Ultra-High-Performance File Transfer Enabled By Dynamic Lightpaths
Joe Mambretti, Fei Yeh, Jim Chen, Rachel Gold, Paul Daspit, Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso, Bas van Oudenaarde, Freek Dijkstra, Hans Blom, Robert Grossman, Yunhong Gu, David Hanley, Tom DeFanti

AMROEBA-EA: Computational Astrophysics Modeling Enabled by Dynamic Lightpath Switching (Adaptive Mesh Refinement Optical Enzo Backplane Architecture Enabled Application)
Joe Mambretti, Fei Yeh, Jim Chen, Rachel Gold, Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso, Bas van Oudenaarde, Freek Dijkstra, Hans Blom

VM Turntable: Making Large-Scale Remote Execution more Efficient and Secure with Virtual Machines Riding on Dynamic Lightpaths
Franco Travostino, Chetan Jog, Satish Raghunath, Inder Monga, Paul Daspit, Phil Wang, Cees de Laat, Leon Gommans, Bas van Oudenaarde, Joe Mambretti, Fei Yeh


September 12-14, 2005
NREN (NASA Research and Engineering Network) Workshop VIII: Optical Network Testbeds-2 (ONT-2)
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffet Field, California
Joe Mambretti: Co-Chair
Presentation: OMNInet
Joe Mambretti


August 22-24, 2005
Rank Symposium on Data Optical Networking
Grasmere, England
Presentation: Ultra Performance Optical Networks and Control Planes for Next Generation Applications
Joe Mambretti


August 17-19, 2005
IEEE HOT Interconnects
Stanford, California
iCAIR Participant, Technical Program


June 27-30, 2005
GGF14 - The Fourteenth Global Grid Forum
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation


June 27-29, 2005
Qwest High Performance Networking Summit
Littleton, Colorado
Panel: New Approaches to Optical Transport
Joe Mambretti


May 31-June 1, 2005
3rd Optical Workshop
National Association of Advanced Regional Networks
Newport, Rhode Island
iCAIR Participation


May 22-23, 2005
SAIC Workshop on Advanced Networking Technologies
Washington, DC
Presentation: High Performance Communications Based on Dynamic Optical Networking
Joe Mambretti


May 1-5, 2005
University Consortium for Advanced Internet Development (UCAID) Member Meeting
Washington DC
Presentation: TransLight/StarLight
Joe Mambretti


April 19, 2005
Joint Engineering Task Force Meeting at the NSF
Arlington, Virginia
Presentation:  OMNInet and OptIPuter (High Performance Communications Based on Dynamic Optical Networking)
Joe Mambretti

Presentation: TransLight/GLIF
Joe Mambretti


April 11-12, 2005
TTY Future Networks Conference
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: New Architecture for 21st Century Networks: High Performance Communication Services Based on Dynamic Lightpaths and Advanced Photonics
Joe Mambretti


March 17, 2005
Forum on Future Network Vision 3 and 5+ Year Technology Direction
Herdon, Virginia

Presentation:  Collaborative Research in Action: Dynamic Network Resource Allocation Controller (DRAC)
Paul Daspit, Joe Mambretti

Presentation: OMNInet, DWDM-RAM, SURFnet, StarLight GLIF UltraScience Network, CANARIE, et al
Joe Mambretti, Paul Daspit

Presentation: Next Generation Services and Global Communications Based On Dynamic Optical Networking
Joe Mambretti


March 9, 2005
Illinois Broadband Task Force Meeting
Springfield, Illinois
iCAIR Participation


March 2, 2005
NSF Science Technology Forum
Arlington, Virginia
Presentation: Next Generation Services and Global Communications Based on Dynamic Optical Networking
Joe Mambretti


March 1-31, 2005
LAN PHY Metro Testbed OMNInet Interoperability Demonstration
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participant


February 28-March 2, 2005
4th Annual ON*VECTOR Photonic Workshop
San Diego (La Jolla), California
Presentation: Photonic/Optical Network Management and Control:  ODIN and PIN
Joe Mambretti


January 24-27, 2005
OptIPuter Workshop
San Diego (La Jolla), California
Presentation: OptIPuter: Empowering Global Data Intensive Services for Science
Joe Mambretti

OptIputer Backplane Workshop
Presentation: OptIPuter Backplane: Architecture, Research Plan, Distribution, Implementation Plan
Joe Mambretti


January 20-21, 2005
MacArthur Foundation Policy Forum On Development, Globalization, and Technology: strategies to Enhance Regional Competitiveness
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Preparing Regions and Cities for a 21st Century Economy: Policies for Digital Communications Infrastructure Development
Joe Mambretti


January 12-14, 2005
CPT2005 8th International Symposium On Contemporary Photonics Technology
Tokyo, Japan
Presentation: Recent Progress on TransLight, OptIPuter, OMNInet And Future Trends Toward Lambda Grids
Joe Mambretti


January 9, 2005
Terabit LAN Workshop
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, California
iCAIR Participation


December 14-15, 2004
Nortel Advanced Networking Technology Forum
Ottawa, Canada
Presentation: Next Generation services and Global Communications Based on Dynamic Optical Networking
Joe Mambretti


December 2-4, 2004
Consortial International Workshop on Computational Physics 2004
National Center for High Performance Computing (NCHC), Hsinchu,Taiwan
Presentation:  Empowering Global Science With Dynamic Photonic Intelligent Lightpaths
Joe Mambretti


November 18-19, 2004
SBC Technology Research Institute (TRI)
San Ramon, California
Presentation: Next Generation Services and Global Communications Based on Dynamic Optical Networking
Joe Mambretti


November 12, 2004
Second International Workshop On Optical Control Planes for the Grid Community
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Presentation: ODIN (Optical Dynamic Intelligent Network)/OMNInet (Creating Next Generation Digital Communications: Dynamic Optical Transport With Digital Control)
Joe Mambretti

Presentation: PIN (Photonic Inter-domain Negotiator)
Joe Mambretti

Presentation: OpiIPuter
Joe Mambretti


November 6-12, 2004
SC04 International Supercomputing Conference
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Demonstration: Data Intensive Services Enabled By High Performance Protocols and Dynamic Wavelength Services
Demonstration: Photonic Data Services
iCAIR, Northwestern, Laboratory for Advanced Computing, UIC, National Center for Data Mining, UIC

Demonstration: International Dynamic Wavelength Switching Using Distributed Control
Participants from iCAIR, Nortel, SurfNet, CANARIE, and UvA

Demonstration: DWDM-RAM, OMNInet, and Dynamic Networking Switching
Participants from Nortel, iCAIR


October 27-29, 2004
GridNets 2004 First International Workshop on Networks for Grid Applications, Co-Located With BroadNets 2004
San Jose, California
Presentation: A Platform for Large-Scale Grid Data Service on Dynamic High-Performance Networks  T. Lavian, D. Hoang, J. Mambretti, S. Figueira, S. Naiksatam, N. Kaushik, I. Monga, R. Durairaj, D. Cutrell, S. Merrill, H. Cohen, P. Daspit, F. Travostino
iCAIR Participation in Technical Program


October 6, 2004
Illinois Broadband Task Force meeting
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois
iCAIR Participation


October 1, 2004
TWAREN-iCAIR International Networking Workshop
Northwestern University
iCAIR Participation


September 27-30, 2004
University Consortium For Advanced Internet Development (UCAID) Member Meeting
Austin, Texas
iCAIR Participation


September 20-21, 2004
Qwest High Performance Networking Summit II
Littleton, Colorado
Presentation: A New Foundation for Digital Communications: Dynamic Optical Transport With Distributed Control
Joe Mambretti


September 5-9, 2004
European Conference On Optical Communications (ECOC)
Stockholm, Sweden
Presentation: Experimental Optical Grid Networks: Integrating High Performance Infrastructure and Advanced Photonic Technology with Distributed Control Planes
Joe Mambretti


September 4, 2004
ON*VECTOR Workshop
Nottingham, Great Brittan
iCAIR Participant 


August 31-September 3, 2004
Global Lambda Grid Workshop (Global Lambda Integrated Facility Annual Meeting)
Nottingham, Great Britain
iCAIR Co-Organizer/Participant


August 19, 2004
iCAIR-SBC Workshop On Advanced Optical Networks
Evanston, Illinois
Presentation: Next Generation Dynamic Optical Networks: Concepts, Architecture, Technologies, Early Trials, and Implementations
Joe Mambretti


August 17, 2004
Great Lakes Light Rail Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Next Generation Dynamic Optical Networks
Joe Mambretti


August 9-11, 2004
NREN (NASA Research and Engineering Network) Workshop IV: Optical Network Testbeds (ONT)
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffet Field, California
Presentation: Optical Metro Network Initiative Optical Network Testbed (OMNInet)
Joe Mambretti


June 28-30, 2004
OptIPuter NSF Site Visit
iCAIR Participation
Presentation: Optical Infrastructure for Science Research
Joe Mambretti


June 21-24, 2004
Supercomm 2004
Chicago, Illinois
Demonstration: Dynamically Provisioned Optical Networks
iCAIR, Nortel Participation


June 23, 2004
European Commission on Information Technology Research Workshop
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois
iCAIR Participation


June 21-23, 2004
Nortel Networks Optical Networking Research Forum (ONRF)
Ottawa, Canada
Presentation: Next Generation Dynamic Optical Networks: Concepts, Architecture, Technologies, Early Trials and Implementations
Joe Mambretti, Tom DeFanti


June 21-22, 2004
Optical Fiber Workshop
Boulder, Colorado
iCAIR Participation  


May 27, 2004
Notre Dame University Forum on Metro Communications Infrastructure
South Bend, Indiana
Presentation:  “Next Generation Networks:  MREN, StarLight, and OMNInet”
Joe Mambretti


May 12, 2004
Federal e-Government Forum
Northwestern University, Evanston
iCAIR participation


April 23-24, 2004
Workshop: Optical Control Planes for the Grid Community
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation:  OptIPuter
Tom DeFanti
Presentation: ODIN and OMNInet: An Architecture for Dynamic Wavelength Switching On Advanced Photonic Networks
Joe Mambretti


April 19-22, 2004
4th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2004)
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation


April 19-22, 2004
University Consortium for Advanced Internet Development Member Meeting
Arlington, Virginia
iCAIR Participation


April 13-15, 2004
Joint Engineering Team Roadmap Workshop (NITRD Program Spring Planning Meeting)
Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia
Presentation: OMNInet
Joe Mambretti


March 1-3, 2004
ON*VECTOR Photonic Workshop
San Diego (La Jolla), California
Presentation: Photonic Metro, Regional, State-Wide and National Networks and the Global Lambda GRID
Joe Mambretti


February 29-March 1, 2004
OptIPuter Workshop
San Diego (La Jolla), California
iCAIR Participation


February 17-20, 2004
National Science Foundation CIS-SCI Workshop (Shared Cyberinfrastructure)
Arlington, Virginia
Presentation: StarLight: Strategic Technologies for Internet Discovery and Development
Joe Mambretti
Presentation: OptIPuter
Tom DeFanti
Poster/Presentation:  StarLight. EuroLink, Quanta, and Intelligent Signaling
Tom DeFanti, Maxine Brown, Joe Mambretti, Jason Leigh


February 16-17, 2004
Second International Workshop on Protocols for Fast Long-Distance Networks
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois
iCAIR Participation


February 10, 2004
ON*VECTOR Workshop on MXQ and Flow-Based Networking
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation


January 14-16, 2004
OptIPuter Workshop
San Diego (La Jolla), California
iCAIR Participation


January 7-9, 2004
National Science Foundation Networking Research Workshop
Arlington, Va.
iCAIR Participation


December 10-12, 2003
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)– ITU
Geneva, Switzerland
Demonstration: DataTAG (Communication Technologies for Large Scale Science Data Streams)
Multiple Researchers at CERN, and iCAIR


December 2-3, 2003
DARPA Advanced Optical Networking Workshop
Arlington, Va.
Demonstration: Dynamic Lightpath Provisioning on Agile Optical Networks, DWDM-RAM: Data@LightSpeed: An Architecture for Data Intensive Service Enabled by Next Generation Optical Networks
Tal Lavian, Franco Travostino, Phil Wang, Inder Monga, Paul Daspit, Chetan Jog, Satish Raghunath, Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen


November 28-Dec 3, 2003
Radiological Society of North America
Chicago, Illinois
Demonstration: Advanced Digital Media for Medical Imaging
Multiple Participants from Northwestern University Dept of Radiology, iCAIR, Prous Science, Video Furnace, MREN, StarLight


November 17-20, 2003
SC03 Supercomputing Conference
Phoenix, Arizona
Demonstration: Multi-Domain Dynamic Optical Switching
Tal Lavian, Franco Travostino, Phil Wang, Inder Monga, Paul Daspit, Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh

DWDM-RAM: Data@LightSpeed: An Architecture for Data Intensive Service Enabled by Next Generation Optical Networks
Tal Lavian, Franco Travostino, Phil Wang, Inder Monga, Paul Daspit, Chetan Jog, Satish Raghunath, Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen


October 23, 2003
OMNInet Forum
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation:  Creating a Global Lambda Grid: Next Generation Applications, OMNInet, International Advanced Networking, and StarLight
Joe Mambretti


October 18, 2003
Telecom 2003
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, Demonstration:  Data-Intensive Application Control of Lambda-Switched Networks -- A Demonstration of Advanced Photonic Networking: DataTAG, StarLight, OMNInet and Photonic Data Services
Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh


October 12-17, 2003
University Consortium for Advanced Internet Development (UCAID) Member Meeting
Coordinating Committee of International Research Networks Meeting
Indianapolis, Indiana
Presentation: Hybrid Packet-Optical Infrastructure
Tom DeFanti, Maxine Brown, Joe Mambretti, and Linda Winkler

Presentation: StarLight, TransLight and EuroLink
Tom DeFanti, Maxine Brown, Joe Mambretti, and Linda Winkler


October 5-6, 2003
Global Grid Forum (GGF 9)
Chicago, Illinois
Demonstration:  DWDM-RAM: Data@LightSpeed: An Architecture for Data Intensive Service Enabled by Next Generation Optical Networks
Tal Lavian, Franco Travostino, Phil Wang, Inder Monga, Paul Daspit, Chetan Jog, Satish Raghunath, Joe Mambretti, Jim Chen, Fei Yeh


September 27-30, 2003
OptIPuter NSF Site Visit
San Diego (La Jolla), California


September 22-23, 2003
Grid Computing Workshop
Presentation: Grid Computing Facilities: Global Lambda Grid, OMNInet, StarLight, TransLight, I-WIRE and the OptIPuter
Joe Mambretti

Presentation: Optical Architecture
Joe Mambretti


September 16-17, 2003
Qwest High Performance Networking Executive Summit I
Littleton, Colorado


August 22-29, 2003
Global Lambda Grid Workshop/NORDunet Conference
Reykjavik, Iceland
iCAIR Participation


August 13, 2003
Atlas Data Transport Forum
Multi-Site International
Demonstration of High Performance Transport of Atlas Data
CANARIE , CERN , StarLight, ORION, Carleton University, and  TransLight


July 25, 2003
National Data Laboratory Workshop
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois
Presentation:  Data Over Light: Data Grand Challenges and Next Generation Optical Testbeds, OMNInet, StarLight, DOT, and I-WIRE
Joe Mambretti


June 24-27, 2003
The 8th Global Grid Forum (GGF8), High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC)
Seattle, Washington
Presentation:  Intelligent Lightpath Provisioning Using Dynamically Switched Wavelengths: e-Science, the Global LambdaGRID, iGRID2002, OMNInet, StarLight, and I-WIRE
Joe Mambretti


June 12-13, 2003
International Networking Meeting
iCAIR Participation


May 22, 2003
Optical Networking Control Plane Software Workshop
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: OMNInet and New Generation Control Planes
Joe Mambretti


May 5-7, 2003
Cisco Advanced Networking Technology Forum
San Jose, California
Presentation: Advanced Networking Architecture and Technology
Joe Mambretti


April 19-22, 2003
GAN’04 (Workshop on Grids and Networks), Co-Located With CCGrid 2004, 4th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid)
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: DWDM-RAM Enabling Grid Services With Dynamic Optical Networks
S. Figueira, S. Naiksatam, H. Cohen, D. Cutrell, P. Daspit, D. Gutierrez, D.B. Hoang, T. Lavian, J. Mambretti, S. Merrill, F. Travostino


April 18, 2003
NaukaNet Meeting
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation


April 7-10, 2003
University Consortium for Advanced Internet Development (UCAID) Member Meeting
Washington, DC
Presentation: TranslIght/StarLight
Tom DeFanti


March 21, 2003
Northwestern Technology Forum
Presentation: Creating a Global Lambda Grid: Next Generation Applications, OMNInet, International Advanced Networking, and StarLight
Joe Mambretti


February 5-7, 2003
OptIPuter Workshop
UCSD San Diego (La Jolla), California
Presentation: Optiputer Backplane
Joe Mambretti


February 3-4, 2003
ON*VECTOR Photonic Workshop
San Diego (La Jolla), California
iCAIR Participation


January 8-10, 2003
National Science Foundation Advanced Networking Research Workshop
Reston, Virginia
iCAIR Participation


December 1-5, 2002
Radiological Society of North America Conference
Chicago, Illinois
Demonstration: Advanced Digital Media
iCAIR With Multiple Organizations

Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2002
(Nov 19 2002- Sept 2006 in development)
Chiaro Networks unveils routing platform; supplies platform to institute


November 16-22, 2002
SC12 International Supercomputing Conference On High Performance Networking and Computing
Baltimore, Maryland
Demonstrations: Project DataSpace
iCAIR  with CANARIE, National Center for Data Mining, University of Illinois at Chicago, SARA, and StarLight, Awarded “Best Use of Emerging Network Infrastructure.
October 25, 2002
OptIPuter Optical Switch Workshop
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California
iCAIR Participation 
October 14-17, 2002
Global Grid Forum 6 (GGF6)
Chicago, Illinois
iCAIR Participation

Oct 16-17, 2002
Quilt Advanced Regional Networking Meeting
Georgetown University
Arlington, Virginia
iCAIR Participation


September 23-26 2002
Amsterdam Science and Technology Centre (WTCW)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Demonstration and Presentations: GiDVN; Global Internet Digital Video Network
Photonic-Empowered Applications: The Photonic TeraStream, OMNInet, StarLight and NetherLight
The Photonic TeraStream and ODIN (Optical Dynamic Intelligent Network Services)
iCAIR and Multiple International Partners
iCAIR assisted in organizing iGRID2002


July 18-22, 2002
Advanced Research Networking
Barcelona University
Barcelona, Spain
Presentation: Creating Next Generation Networks and OMNInet
Joe Mambretti


June 26-27, 2002
10GIG Expo
Phoenix, Arizona
Presentation: Creating Next Generation Networks: The Optical Metro Network Initiative Testbed (OMNInet)
Joe Mambretti


June 22, 2002
Global Optical Communications
London, England
Presentation: Lightwave Communications: Next Generation Optical Metro Networks and the Global Lambda Grid
Joe Mambretti
Presentation:The Internet of the Future: Performing Traffic Management and Restoration Using MPLS and OBGP
Joe Mambretti, M. Ruffolo


June 22, 2002
Coordinating Committee on International Research Networks
Washington DC
iCAIR Participation


May 20-21, 2002
National Science Foundation Advanced Network Infrastructure and Research Workshop
University of California, Irvine
iCAIR Participation


March 27, 2002
Advanced Networking Symposium
Nanyang Technological University
Presentation: Next Generation Applications, iGRIDs, and the Global Lambda Grid
Joe Mambretti


March 25, 2002
Computational Grid Symposium
Presentation: Bioinformatics, StarLight, OMNInet, and the Global Lambda Grid
Joe Mambretti


March 22, 2002
IDA Advanced Networking Workshop
Presentation: Metro Economics and Next Generation Digital Communications Infrastructure
Presentation: Preparing a City for a 21st Century Economy: the Optical Metro Network Initiative, and CivicNet
Joe Mambretti


March 5, 2002
Chicago Illinois
CivicNet, MCTA, ITI, Next Generation Optical MetroNets, and iCAIR
Joe Mambretti


March 1, 2002
Photonics Networking Workshop
University of Illinois at Chicago
Presentation: Creating a Global Lambda Grid: International Advanced Networking, StarLight, OMNInet and CivicNet
Joe Mambretti


Feb 27-28, 2002
ON*VECTOR International Photonics Workshop
(Optical Networked Virtual Environments for Collaborative Trans-Oceanic Research)
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Creating a Global Lambda GRID: International Advanced Networking, StarLight, OMNInet and CivicNet
Joe Mambretti


Feb 18-19, 2002
iCAIR-SBC Advanced Optical Networking Workshop
Austin, Texas
Presentation: Advanced Dynamic Optical Networking and OMNInet
Joe Mambretti
Demonstrations: International Dynamic Lightpath Switching, High Performance Large Scale WAN Data Transport


January 26, 2002
Optical Networking Workshop
Nortel Research Labs
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Presentation: The Future of Networking, OMNInet and StarLight: Communication Services Enabled By Dynamic Lambda Provisioning
Joe Mambretti


January 24, 2002
Asia Pacific Advanced Networking Conference
Phuket, Thailand
Presentation: Creating a Global Lambda Grid: International Advanced Networking and StarLight


January 18, 2002
Optical Networking Forum
Technology Research Institute
Presentation: OMNInet and Architecture for Lambda Based Communication Services
Joe Mambretti


December 12, 2001
iCAIR and the MCCS Broadband Symposium
Northwestern University
Chicago, Illinois
Presentation: Creating Foundation Infrastructure for Universal Broadband: OMNInet and CivicNet
Joe Mambretti



December 5-6, 2001
NSF Grand Challenges in e-Science Workshop Report
Electronic Visualization Laboratory
University of Illinois at Chicago
Joe Mambretti
Chicago, IL

This NSF sponsored workshop resulted in the following: "Report to the National Science Foundation Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Advanced Networking Infrastructure & Research Division".

This report in both Word and PDF versions is available at the following Web site, along with the workshop agenda and presentation information from speakers:


November 13-15, 2001
SC01 International Supercomputing Conference On High Performance Networking and Computing
Denver, Colorado
iCAIR Participation


November 4-6, 2001
Digital Communities: Cities in the Information Society
Presentation: Next Generation Optical Metro Networks,
OMNInet and CivicNet
Joe Mambretti
Chicago, IL


October 25, 2001
Asia Pacific Advanced Networks Meeting
Tokyo, Japan
Presentation: StarLight, the Global Lambda Grid, OMNInet and CivicNet
Joe Mambretti


October 19, 2001
National Science Foundation CISE Advisory Committee Meeting
Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois
Presentation: StarLight, Advanced Networking Research and the Global Lambda Grid
Joe Mambretti


October 8, 2001
iCAIR-SBC Advanced Optical Networking Workshop
Austin, Texas
Presentation; Next Generation Optical Networks and OMNInet
Joe Mambretti


September 12-13, 2001
International Lambda Workshop
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hosted by: TERENA, iCAIR co-organized, with StarLight et al., the first annual Global lambda Grid Workshop
Presentation: OMNInet, Architecture for Lambda-Based Communication Services and the Global Lambda Grid
Joe Mambretti


August 1, 2001
Leadership Luncheon in Honor of Richard M. Daley,
Mayor of the City of Chicago
The Mid-American Committee for International Business and Government Cooperation
Chicago, IL


June 25, 2001
NECC 2001
Chicago, IL
Presentation: "Enabling Education Through the Next Generation Internet"
Joe Mambretti


 June 8-9, 2001
Coordinating Committee for International Research
Networking Annual Meeting
Stockholm, Sweeden
Presentation: US Advanced Networks and Measurements
Presentation: StarLight, the Optical STAR TAP
Joe Mambretti


June 6-8, 2001
ISOC2001 Internet Society Conference
Brian Carpenter, Joe Mambretti
Stockholm, Sweden


June 5, 2001
STAR TAP Annual Conference
Stockholm, Sweden
Presentation: "Optical Metro Networks, OMNI and OMNInet"
Joe Mambretti


May 1, 2001
Photonic Internet Forum
University of Illinois at Chicago
Presentation: StarLight the Optical STAR TAP
Tom DeFanti, et al


April 25-27, 2001
16th Annual International Conference of the Association
of University Related Research Parks (AURRP)
Chicago, IL
Presentation: Next Generation Internet: IP-Over-Light,
Advanced MetroNets, and CivicNet
Joe Mambretti


April 25, 2001
Illinois Annual Technology Conference
Chicago, IL
Presentation: Future of Technology: The National Perspective and Illinois
Joe Mambretti


March 8-9, 2001
Great Cities Universities Consortium
Joe Mambretti, Program Co-Chair
Chicago, IL


January 30-31, 2001
AccessGrid Retreat
Argonne National Laboratory
Chicago, IL


2000- 1998

iCAIR News Archive for 2000-1998

News Item


August 10, 2000
Team Fine-Tunes Net Video Feed in the Lab

July 27, 2000
iCAIR Builds Landmark Portal

July 19, 2000
The iGRID 2000 Event at July INET Conference Showcases 23 High-Speed Global Network Application Demonstrations


May 30, 2000
The iGRID 2000 Event at July INET Conference Showcases 23 High-Speed Global Network Application Demonstrations


March 30, 2000
Much-Improved Digital Video Is Demonstrated at Internet2 Meeting


March 27, 2000
Internet2 Member Meeting C-SPAN, iCAIR and Internet2 Announce New Digital Video Initiative Press Release Q & A

January 10, 2000
Joel Mambretti, Northwestern University, and Andrew Schmidt co-author "Next Generation Internet"
November 4, 1999
Business Strategies Leveraging the Next-Generation Internet
October 28, 1999
IBM exec urges future business leaders to capitalize on Internet II
July 26, 1999
Northwestern University and IBM Demonstrate Future Digital Video Technologies

July 26, 1999
Computer experts work on casting another Net; Internet2's promise excites users
March 14, 1999
Chicago may net another 'world's busiest' designation - Ameritech operates an Internet O'Hare
February 24, 1999
MREN to Provide High Performance Connectivity to Abilene Network
February 1, 1999
Northwestern Plots Next Internet Wave - University is part of consortium bringing video to Web
December 11, 1998
Project to Test Key Premise of Future High-Speed Network

September 28, 1998
Internet2 Announces New Initiative to Accelerate Advanced Network Application Development